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Large group of smugglers of migrants from Kosovo arrested (B92)

European police forces have dismantled a large international criminal network that smuggled irregular migrants to Western European countries for money.

The announcement was made by Europol on Wednesday.

In a Europol-coordinated operation, which involved the police services of several countries, 77 people of various nationalities were arrested "in Kosovo, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, the Czech Republic, France and Germany," a Europol statement said.

Informal ministerial meeting held in Pristina (B92, Tanjug, Beta)

An informal meeting of ministers of foreign affairs and ministers of transport of regional countries was held in Pristina on Wednesday.

Serbia was represented by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure Zorana Mihajlovic and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic, Tanjug reported.

"Albanians deserve better than circus politics" (B92)

Marko Djuric has commented on announcements of "national unification of Albanians" to say that they "deserve more responsible politics."

The head of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija spoke a day after Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama announced that the signing of several agreements between the governments in Pristina and Tirana meant that "national unification of Albanians" had taken place.

Serbia marks another anniversary of NATO attacks (B92, Beta, Tanjug)

BELGRADE -- Serbia is on Tuesday marking the 16th anniversary since the beginning of NATO's air war against the country, then a part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The attacks lasted for 11 weeks and resulted in the deaths of between 1,200 and 4,000 people, according to different sources.

NATO caused heavy damage to Serbia's infrastructure, economy, schools, health institutions, media outlets, monuments of culture.

Serbs want "strong community of municipalities" (Dailies)

 Councilors from ten Serb municipalities have adopted "a decision on united political action, protection of rights and realization of interests of Serbs."

 This would happen "through the constitution of a strong community of Serb municipalities in Kosovo (ZSO)," Tanjug reported. The meeting on Wednesday also asked for a harmonized draft of the ZSO statute to be submitted to a joint meeting of municipal assemblies.


11 years since "March Pogrom" of Serbs in Kosovo (Dailies)

Tuesday marks the 11th anniversary of the large scale violence organized in Kosovo against Serbs, known in Serbia as "the March Pogrom."

An ethnic Albanian ripping out the cross from a Serb church (Image made from RTS video)The two days of rioting and attacks resulted in the deaths of eight Serbs and 11 Albanians and injured 954 people.

4,012 Serbs were driven from their homes, more than 900 houses belonging to Serbs, Romas and Ashakalis were set on fire, while 35 Serbian Orthodox churches and monasteries were destroyed and desecrated.

"The condition of the Serbian list is community of Serbian municipalities" (Blic, Vecernje Novosti, B92)

A condition for the return of Serb representatives to the Kosovo institutions is the formation of a Community/Association of Serb municipalities (ZSO) in Kosovo.

The Belgrade-based daily, Vecernje Novosti further writes that this will be "one of the main conclusions" of the upcoming joint session of all Serb municipalities in Kosovo.

Another daily, Blic, writes that Serbian officials will once again ask Pristina to fulfil its part of the obligations stemming from the Brussels agreement during the next negotiating round at the EU seat.

"Enough about Crimea - let's consider Kosovo, Libya, Iraq" (B92)

Russia's partners in the West should pay attention to NATO's 1999 bombing of Serbia, to Kosovo, and the breakup of Libya, "and not just to Crimea."

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov made this statement on Tuesday, TASS reported.

"Concerning international law and the attention that it has received lately, primarily in relation to Crimea, we would like our Western partners to treat other cases that have occurred in modern history no less diligently," he said.

EULEX chief: 20 suspects in war crimes case (Vecernje Novosti, Blic, B92)

Gabriele Meucci says that so far about 20 suspects have been identified who may be subject to an indictment for war crimes committed in 1999 in Gjakova/Djakovica.

The head of the EU mission in Kosovo, EULEX, told the Belgrade-based Vecernje Novosti daily that he did not wish to reveal their names. The newspaper, however, noted that it has already been disclosed that former Military Security Agency (VBA) chief General Momir Stojanovic was on the list.