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For the Serbian Orthodox Church in Kosovo status of Vatican? (Radio Kontact Plus)

President Tomislav Nikolic and Patriarch Irinej discussed at the Patriarchy the possibility to propose Vatican model for the position of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) in Kosovo. They met in the midst of preparing for the resumption of dialogue with Pristina, since Serbian negotiating team announced intention of the government to nominate the issue of the status of the SPC and its assets in Kosovo, within the new round of talks.

Serbian President discusses Kosovo, EU, Russia, relationship with PM (Dailies)

President Tomislav Nikolic late on Sunday spoke for B92 about EU integration, Russia, Kosovo, his relationship with the government and the PM, and other topics.

It is often said that the president is closer to Russia, the government to Brussels, and the prime minister to Berlin - something that Nikolic commented by saying that both he and the government "look towards both Moscow and Brussels."


Implementation of "the model of two German states" possible (Danas)

The negotiating position of the European Union on Chapter 35, which relates to the Kosovo issue resolution, in essence, has not brought anything new, Danas learns from diplomatic sources close to Brussels. According to interlocutors of Danas, "it is quite likely that the more precise and detailed conditions" will be communicated to Serbia in the next phases of its European path.

Nikolic glad about opening of chapters, with caution (Dailies)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic said on Tuesday evening that he was glad Europe had set Serbia on an irreversible path, but there should be caution as Chapter 35 would show whether Europe would like Serbia to join the bloc with or without Kosovo-Metohija (KiM).

Not a single citizen of Serbia has failed to feel relief and satisfaction because the EU finally recognized the effort Serbia has invested in the past 15 years, Nikolic said.

Nikolic: Just and almost impossible victory (Tanjug, Blic)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic congratulated citizens of Serbia the outcome of voting at the UNESCO General Conference after Kosovo’ s request for membership failed, and said that this was a just and moral victory in almost impossible conditions. He also congratulated Serbian Government for investing huge diplomatic efforts and did not give up even when it looked like that all is lost.

Nikolic is doing everything to prevent membership of Kosovo (TV Most)

“Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic makes every effort to prevent the membership of Kosovo in UNESCO. The efforts also include lobbying for the support to the Serbian proposal that this issue will be removed from the agenda,” stated advisors to the president, Stanislava Pak and Ivan Mrkić. As stated, president Nikolic initiated the campaign as soon he learned about the attempts.  For three months during his talks with heads of states and ambassadors, president emphasized the unacceptability of Kosovo's membership in UNESCO.

Website launched for #NoKosovoUnesco campaign (B92)

Serbian authorities' campaign against the membership of Kosovo in UNESCO has continued with the launching of a website.

After posting several short films on the internet about the crimes in Kosovo, the website has now gone online, documenting messages of hatred directed at Serbs, destroyed churches, graveyards, burned down cars.

President Tomislav Nikolic asked Serbians on Monday to spread the truth about Kosovo online by sharing the material on social networks.

Campaign #NoKosovoUnesco started (Danas)

The official YouTube channel of Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic published a video "The truth about the destruction of Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija", which has launched the campaign #NoKosovoUnesco.

The description of the video states: "The four pearls of world heritage: the Monastery of Decani, the Pec Patriarchate, Gracanica and the Church of Holy Virgin of Ljevisa are still on the list of UNESCO, and are in danger. Those who seek admission to UNESCO are those who have exposed them to danger".

Nikolic, Vucic and Patriarch Irinej to discuss Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic will meet today Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Patriarch Irinej to discuss the EU's draft platform for Chapter 35 on Kosovo.

According to daily Vecernje Novosti, President of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU) Vladimir Kostic was also invited to attend the meeting, to be held at the Serbian Presidency building.