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Pajaziti: Kosovo parties to speak in one voice (Koha)

Head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group, Zenun Pajaziti, has called on all political parties to speak in one voice about the situation in the north and the dialogue with Serbia. He said the launch of debate on these issues is “a political agenda” and that Kosovo has more important things to think about such as European integration. Pajaziti also called on Kosovo Serb representatives to return to the Assembly.

Assembly decides to discuss Mitrovica wall on Friday (media)

Several news websites report that the Kosovo Assembly has decided to discuss on Friday the recently-built wall in Mitrovica North. Pal Lekaj, head of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group, initially suggested that the wall should be discussed today but later agreed for discussions to be held on Friday. Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, said he agrees with Prime Minister Isa Mustafa’s proposal to discuss the matter on Friday.