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Products from Kosovo often without label in Serbian (RTK2)

Incomplete labeling of products is a violation of basic consumer rights, says Selatin Kacaniku, from "Consumer" NGO. The official languages ​​in Kosovo are Albanian and Serbian and according to the Consumer Protection Act each product must have a label in both official languages. However, consumers in Kosovo are often faced with incomplete labels on products. "Less than two million consumers is not a mass that justifies the cost, but the market is the market and each producer must respect it.


Rasic: Early elections are the solution to the crisis (RTK2)

MP from the Serbian community Nenad Rasic said that the scenes from the last session of the Kosovo assembly were ugly and disturbing, adding that the opposition's discontent is understandable, but their mechanism of expression is inappropriate. He pointed out that the ruling coalition should seriously attempt to resolve the crisis. "To reach compromise, two sides are required, but now you have one side insisting on it, while the other side wants something unrealistic."


Janjic: Independence has not brought much good for the Albanians (RTK2)

President of the party “Active Serbia”, Dusan Janjic told RTK2 that since the declaration of independence, the situation on the has ground changed, but it is difficult to say whether the Serbs live in a better situation now. “A lot of things have changed with regards to the Serbs. Simply put, it has come to a point that even the illusion of the survival of institutional parallelism no longer exists and the process of normalization is underway.


Poultry stolen from Serbian granny near Klina (RTK2)

Unknown perpetrators stole hens from seventy-five year old Serbian lady Kata Grujic last night, the only person to have returned to Donji Petric village in Klina/Kllinë municipality in Kosovo.

She went to Serbia proper for a short stay and informed KFOR and an Albanian neighbor, who regularly helps her, that she would be absent a couple of days due to a commemoration service to her husband who died some time ago.


Seselj: I am considering participating in Kosovo elections (RTK2)

Vojislav Seselj, leader of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS) said that the Serb representatives in Kosovo institutions do not have the trust of the Serbs in Kosovo, adding that this must change soon. "With two or three percent of votes they receive all MP positions and behave like the Serbs elected them. They do not have the trust of the Serbian people and I have now found a way to oppose this," said the leader of the SRS.

Kosovo urges Serbia to open military archive (RTK2, BIRN)

The Kosovo government's Commission for Missing Persons has urged Belgrade to open military and police archives to help find the location of mass graves. "The opening of these archives could lead us to the mass graves," said Prenk Gjetaj, President of the Commission for Missing Persons of the Government of Kosovo. Gjetaj added that the Commission intends to ask for help from the international community to obtain military satellite images that may also help in localizing mass graves.

Djuric: Institutions should tackle the causes of religious extremism (RTK2)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo Marko Djuric said that the incident at Visoki Decani monastery is a warning and reminder that Kosovo institutions must tackle the causes of religious extremism. "This incident reveals the need for Kosovo institutions and politicians in Pristina to address the social causes of religious extremism which threaten the future of all people living in Kosovo, instead of dealing with the non-existent threat in the form of the Association / Community of Serb Municipalities," said Djuric.

Trajkovic: Dialogue is the only way to resolve problems (RTK2)

The meeting of the two Prime Ministers in Brussels sends the message that talks are the only way of resolving problems between Serbia and Pristina, regardless of the situation on the ground, said President of the European Movement of Serbs, Rada Trajkovic to RTK2. She said that Mustafa going to Brussels is due to the encouragement he feels from the clear presence of America.