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Kosovo needs a unit for inter-ethnic incidents (TV Most, RTS)

The Kosovo Government should establish special investigative units within the police to deal with ethnically motivated attacks in Kosovo, assessed the research conducted by the Non-Governmental Organizations Centre for Peace and Tolerance and Aktiv.

One could have a similar structure as a unit for the preservation of Serbian cultural heritage, it is suggested in the analysis "Potential ethnically motivated incidents in Kosovo - ugly Story Never Told", that was presented yesterday in Pristina.

18 years since mass kidnappings of Serbs in Orahovac/Rahovec (TV Most)

The Association of Families of Kidnapped and Missing Persons in KiM to hold a memorial service to commemorate the day of mass kidnappings of Serbs in Orahovac/Rahovec municipality in 1998.

Eighteen years have passed since the mass kidnappings of Serbs in the Orahovac/Rahovec municipality. Slightly more than 20 families are still searching for their loved ones who disappeared during the period from 11 to 22 July 1998 in the municipality of Orahovac/Rahovec in an armed attack by members of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

Police incapable, KFOR should be deployed to Paralovo (TV Most)

"The police are incapable and uninterested. I call on KFOR to set up a military check point in the village of Paralovo," said Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanović after the last attack on the family Stojković from Paralovo village. "We are shocked by recent attacks that are continuously taking place for several years. We are amazed at the inability, and now we doubt even the complicity of the police in the systematic harassment of Paralovo inhabitants," said Stojanović in a statement to the media.

Stojanović: The work on draft of the statute should be intensified (TV Most)

"In drafting the statute of the Association / Community of Serb Municipalities (A/CSM) will work the management team, as agreed in Brussels. Only this is undisputable, the rest are calculations," said Branimir Stojanović on the occasion of the writing of Pristina daily Zeri that Mayors, in close cooperation with the Kosovo Ministry for Local Government Administration and OSCE, will work on the draft of the statute for A/CSM.   "What is certain is that bigger number of people will work on draft statute and give suggestions," he said.

Simić: Serb representatives do not negotiate about forming KAF (TV Most)

President of the Serbian List in Kosovo Assembly Slavko Simić said that no one yet had spoken with him about the formation of the Kosovo Armed Forces (KAF). “I am moving in high political circles in Kosovo and I have contacts with many representatives of the institutions. I have to be honest and say that no one has imposed the topic of the Kosovo Armed Forces. Basically we try to emphasize the issues that concern Serbian community in Kosovo, from economy to security, because that is what protects the Serbian population,” said Simić.

Stojanović: We expect support for the future initiative on completion of the temple in Pristina (TV Most)

Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanović said for the morning program of Radio Gračanica/ Graçanica that search for the alleged mass grave around the temple of Christ the Savior in Pristina should be done. “Serbian community never created any problem related to the search of the terrain, if there is some suspicion that there is a mass grave, but we also expect support in future initiative to finish the works on the temple of Christ the Savior in Pristina,” he said.

Djurić met today with acting head of EULEX (TV Most)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djurić met today with the Acting Head of EULEX Bernd Tran and congratulated him the appointment. Tran introduced Djurić with the EULEX goals in the new two-year term. Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija said that for the Serbia and the Serbian people in Kosovo functioning of EULEX is of the essential importance.

Stojanović: The importance of survival in Kosovo (TV Most)

In regards to the celebration of St Vitus day, Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Branimir Stojanović stated that the Serbs in Kosovo are on their own property, and that the constant opposition of radical Albanians is something with which they grew up and to which they are accustomed. One part of the Albanian public says that a monument to Prince Lazar is a project of the Association / Community of Serb Municipalities, calling it a chauvinistic organization. "People who said it are actually depicting their policies and targets.

Ɖurić will meet tomorrow with the head of the EULEX mission (TV Most)

Director of the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Ɖurić will meet on Wednesday, June 29, with Bernd Thran, Acting Head of the EULEX mission in Kosovo. The meeting will be held at 11 am, at the Palace Serbia, was stated from the Office for Kosovo and Metohija. A press release will be issued upon completion of the meeting.

Russia reacts to decision to allow Kosovo to join PCA (B92, Blic, KIM radio, TV Most)

The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague allowed Pristina to join by ignoring the arguments of those who do not recognize Kosovo’s independence.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said this on Tuesday in Moscow, replying to reporters' questions.