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Assembly vote on border demarcation with Montenegro postponed (media)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa told members of the Kosovo Assembly today that circumstances are not right to vote on the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. “As Prime Minister, I believe that today the circumstances are not right to vote on the demarcation with Montenegro … The government has withdrawn the draft law from the agenda. We will try to reach a joint position on the law. We believe it is not appropriate to discuss this draft law at this point and we don’t want to make concessions about the draft law.

Serbian List will not attend assembly session today (Kosovapress)

Slavko Simic, head of the Serbian List parliamentary group, told the news agency that Serbian List MPs will not attend today’s session of the Kosovo Assembly that is expected to vote on the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. “We have decided not to attend the session because of the recent security situation and also because of the ongoing protest,” Simic said. The news agency notes that without the votes of the Serbian List, the border agreement cannot be ratified.

Molliqaj: Protest will escalate only if provoked by police (Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje’s organizational secretary, Dardan Molliqaj, said today he was confident that the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro will not be ratified by the Kosovo Assembly. “Peaceful protests will convince many members of parliament not to vote in favor of the demarcation. The protest will escalate only if there is provocation by the police,” Molliqaj said.

Selimi: We won’t “attack” border with Montenegro, we will bring down demarcation in Pristina (Botapress/Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje MP Rexhep Selimi told Botapress today that the problem with the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro is in Pristina and that it needs to be resolved there. “This is the first time that I’m hearing about ideas to go to the border. The problem is here in Pristina and it needs to be resolved here. There may be protests all over Kosovo in the future.

Assembly President Veseli meets Quint ambassadors (media)

Most media report that Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, hosted today a meeting with ambassadors of the Quint countries and discussed the recent political developments in Kosovo. Veseli thanked the ambassadors for the continuous support that their countries are giving to the people and institutions of the Republic of Kosovo. “During the meeting with the Quint ambassadors, I reiterated our institutional commitment to Euro-Atlantic integrations.

Historians: History will judge as traitors MPs that support demarcation (Kosovapress)

The League of Kosovo Historians, the branch in Deçan, has again called on members of the Kosovo Assembly not to vote in favor of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. They called on MPs to rise above their political interests, to listen to the call of the people and not ratify an agreement that is detrimental to the people of Kosovo.

Berisha warns: Danger for Kosovo and the region if demarcation is ratified (Indeksonline)

Zafir Berisha, member of the Kosovo Parliament from the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), told the news website that security in Kosovo and the region will be under threat if the current version of the demarcation deal with Montenegro is ratified by the Kosovo Parliament on September 1. Berisha said Albanians should not give away their lands to other countries., “If this version is ratified, there will be bad consequences for the country and the region ...

Deda: I will not vote in favor of demarcation agreement on September 1 (media)

Ilir Deda, an independent member of the Kosovo Assembly, told Klan Kosova today that he will not vote in favor of the demarcation agreement with Montenegro when the Kosovo Assembly will meet on September 1. The TV station recalls that in an earlier statement, Deda said that the European Union was not right to condition visa liberalisation for the people of Kosovo with the ratification of the border agreement.

Thaçi confident Assembly will ratify demarcation deal on September 1 (media)

Kosovo President, Hashim Thaçi, said today that he is confident that the Assembly of Kosovo will ratify the demarcation agreement with Montenegro on September 1. Thaçi said the border deal must be ratified so that Kosovo can move forward with its integration processes, "such as the implementation of its international agenda, visa liberalisation for the citizens of Kosovo and the transformation of the Kosovo Security Force into the Kosovo Armed Forces".

War invalids warn LDK MP not to vote in favor of demarcation deal (Indeksonline)

The Association of KLA War Veterans, the branch in Podujevo, has called on Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) MP, Nuredin Ibishi, not to vote in favor of the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro. Avni Ajeti, a KLA war invalid, told Indeksonline: “Nuredin Ibishi knows that the border delineation with Montenegro is wrong and yet again he has decided to vote in favor of the agreement. If he knows that the border delineation is wrong, he should not vote in favor.