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Serbian FM Dacic: Pristina has no place in Helsinki (RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic believes that EU Foreign Minister Federica Mogherini, by inviting Pristina to attend Helsinki meeting, where EU candidate countries are invited, is trying to create a presidency that Belgrade should accept, but which, he adds, certainly won't happen.

Dacic says that the name of another brave country that has withdrawn its decision on recognizing Kosovo's independence will be announced after Vucic's return from New York.

Smajlovic: I feel bit anxious about US support for Serbia (RTS)

Columnist Ljiljana Smajlovic tells RTS that as a citizen of Serbia, she cannot help but wonder what the US is looking for in return if they support the abolition of tariffs.

Smajlovic says she is surprised by President Vucic's meeting with Mike Pompeo because it is rare that Serbian presidents or ministers have a meeting with such high-ranking US officials.

State Department to Belgrade and Pristina: Refrain from provocation and continue negotiations (RTS)

Serbian public broadcaster RTS reports that Following a meeting between US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, the State Department issued a statement.

RTS conveyed the whole statement.

Serbian ambassador says US does not see Kosovo as closed issue (RTS, FoNet, N1)

Serbian Ambassador in Moscow Miroslav Lazanski told Serbian public broadcaster RTS on Tuesday that Washington does not consider the Kosovo issue closed.

He says that today's meeting between Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and US State Secretary Mike Pompeo shows that Washington insist on the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue to continue.

Dacic to RTS: One more country withdraws recognition of Kosovo (B92, RTS, Politika)

The Head of Serbian diplomacy, Ivica Dacic, told Serbian public broadcaster RTS on Friday that this week he will say the name of the 15th country that withdrew the recognition of Kosovo.

Dacic said for RTS that in this moment less than 100 countries acknowledge ''the independence of so-called Kosovo''.

Djuric on change of government in Pristina: Serbs have nothing to look forward to (KIM radio, RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said this morning in the RTS morning news that it was necessary for Pristina to abolish taxes in order for dialogue to resume and any kind of normalization of relations to start.

Djuric said that when it comes to the change of government in Pristina, Serbs have nothing to look forward to.

Belgrade will react to Pristina’s travel ban, PM Brnabic says (RTS, N1)

Official Belgrade will react to Pristina’s travel ban on Serbian officials, Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Thursday.

Pristina’s behaviour affects regional cooperation, security and ties, she said and added that the Kosovo authorities have stepped up what she said are provocations including the ban on all Serbian officials traveling to Kosovo.

“That is something that we will react to,” Brnabic said.

Pristina's decision is a terrible slap to the international community, says the Office for KiM Director (RTS)

Serbian state broadcaster RTS reports that Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric told reporters during a visit to the Belgrade City Museum that Pristina's decision is the last wedge in the coffin of the idea of dialogue, a terrible slap to the international community, a blow to the foundation of freedom of movement and all European principles.

Serbian Minister of Education was kept for one hour and a half at Jarinje crossing (RTS, TV Most)

Minister of Education in the Government of Serbia, Mladen Sarcevic, was kept for an hour and a half during the crossing of the administrative line Jarinje, when entering Kosovo, where he visited University of Pristina, relocated to Mitrovica North.

According to Sarcevic, although they have duly announced the delegation and received a notice that everything is fine, they were kept at Jarinje crossing for an hour and a half.