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Usurpation of property in Kosovo part of the system (RTS)

There is no greater progress in resolving property disputes, even after 15 years of conflict in Kosovo, in which Serbs have been the majority among the injured parties.

Family Ivic from Caglavica, since 1999, was not able to come into the possession of their land. They said that Albanians two times have entered into the estate, since 2003; they had begun to build the hotel.

The family managed to return the possession and register the estate in the cadastre on their name.

Germany not conditioning, has different approach (RTS, Tanjug)

Serbian Minister without portfolio in charge of European integration Jadranka Joksimovic stated on Saturday that Germany is not conditioning Serbia and that is just has a different approach to the Serbia-EU talks, and expressed the hope that a good solution would soon be found and that the first chapter in the talks would open soon.

PM Vučić and Meuci on cooperation between Serbia and Eulex (Tanjug, IRS, Beta, RTS)

Serbian PM Aleksandar Vučić received the new head of the Eulex mission Gabriel Meuci, on which occasion he said that the cooperation between Serbia and Eulex would be correct during Meuci’s term as well. The two stressed the need of closer cooperation in battle against organized crime and illegal traffic. Meuci promised to give support to the continuation of the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue.

Stefanovic with Meucci about situation in Kosovo (RTS)

Serbian Interior Minister, Nebojsa Stefanovic, said to Gabriele Meucci, the Head of EULEX Mission in Kosovo, that interest of Serbia is achieving full security of the Serbian population in the province. Stefanovic pointed out the expectation that the suspect in the murder of Serbian gendarme Stevan Sinđelić will be found.  He said that Serbia has certain operational knowledge about the tragic murder of Sinđelić and indicated that it is a crime without precedent. "We insist on completing the investigation and consequent prosecution of the suspects," said the minister.

Serb attacked in Vitina (RTS)

A group of Albanians attacked Sinisa Denkic in front of a school attended by Serbian children in Vitina/Viti on Tuesday night. Denkic, who works as a janitor at the local school, sustained head injuries, RTS learned from the priest of the Serbian Orthodox Church in that town.

Denkic was taken to the medical center in Šilovo/Shillovë for a treatment.

Few dozens of Serbs live in Vitina/Viti.


Slanderous naming of Serbs in an official correspondence (RTS)

Rustem Pepshi, an official in Junik/Junik Municipality in Kosovo and Metohija, member of the Presidency of Association of Kosovo Municipalities, has sent an official e-mail to an official in Gračanica/Graqanicë Municipality, Vladan Popovic, calling him ‘shkavell’, what is an insulting word for Serbs in Kosovo used by some Albanians.

Mayor of Gračanica/Graqanicë Municipality has sent a sharp protest to the Association of Kosovo Municipalities, learned RTS.


Jablanovic: Participation of the Serbian list in Kosovo government certain (RTS, Beta)

Director of the Serbian List, Aleksandar Jablanovic said that participation of the Serbian List in Kosovo Government is not in dispute, as opposed to the participation of other parties who do not have consent of the official Belgrade nor the international factor which is very important.

Jablanovic says that without the will of the international factors that largely finance the political process in Kosovo, there is no luck for the future government, reports Beta.

According to him, Self-Determination remains unacceptable for the Serbian list.

Djuric: Rama’s statement his identity card (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric says the statement of the President of the Albanian government Edi Rama on Kosovo’s independence will not change the road of Serbia to stability in the region

In the RTS morning program, Marko Djuric said that Serbia will not stray from the road of reforms that it started.

Djuric said that the Rama's statement is "his identity card," and that is falls within the category of statements that are intended to provoke.

Stankovic: Visit to Preseve for the sake of better relations (RTS)

The Chairperson of the Coordination Office for southern Serbia Zoran Stankovic said to RTS that he expects the visit of Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama to Presevo to pass in the best possible way and that it will contribute to the development of relations between Serbia and Albania, no matter on Rama’s undiplomatic behavior in Belgrade.

Stankovic also added that it is not true that there were celebrations in Presevo after Rama called Serbia to recognize independence of Kosovo, as it could be red at certain social networks.
