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All recommendations from the report are useful for Serbia (RTS)

Head of the Office for Kosovo & Metohija, Marko Djuric, told RTS that all recommendations from the European Commission's report are beneficial for Serbia. Djuric emphasizes that we can certainly expect change of the Constitution, not just because of the relationship with Pristina, but also because of European integrations.

Burglarized houses of returnees in Klina (RTS)

Four homes and two auxiliary buildings, owned by Serbs, were burglarized in the Village Grabovac near Klina, according to the Kosovo Ministry of Communities and Returns.

Kosovo Minister for Communities and Returns, Dalibor Jevtic strongly condemned last night's incident, reports Tanjug.

Jevtic said that the burglary and theft of items from the house is obvious intimidation of returnees and a message to those who wish to return to Kosovo that they are not welcome.

EU expects full implementation of Brussels agreement (Tanjug, Politika, RTS)

BELGRADE - Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport said on Wednesday the EU expected full implementation of the Brussels agreement in the next year and a new momentum to the political talks between Belgrade and Pristina to come as soon as possible in order to achieve further progress in the normalisation of their relations.

Significant effort has been invested to achieve the goal defined by the European Council as comperhensive normalisation, he told a news conference after the European Commission had presented its report on Serbia's progress.

No information about the preparation of terrorist acts (RTS)

Chairman of the Committee for Kosovo and Metohija in the Serbian Assembly, Milovan Drecun says that strong base of the radical Islam is present in Kosovo. At the moment there is no information indicating the preparation of the terrorist attacks against Serbian citizens.

Milovan Drecun, in the RTS morning program, said he expects that the situation with regard to radical Islamists in Kosovo will be under control.

Djuric: There can be no intergovernmental agreements with Kosovo (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric said that Serbia and Kosovo cannot sign intergovernmental agreements, as reported by the Pristina press, because Belgrade and Pristina do not talk as two countries, but rather as the central government and a province.

Djuric said that, however, it is very important to continue the negotiations and reach a political agreement on normalization.

Kosovo, a hotbed of Jihad? (RTS)

Kosovo authorities have detained around 60 persons under suspicion for participation in the war for the so called Islamic state or under suspicion for indoctrination and recruiting of fighters for battles in Syria and Iraq. Arrests took place out of fear that actions similar to those in Syria and Iraq could take place in Kosovo too.


Power supply in north Kosovo remains in Serb hands (RTS, Tanjug)

BELGRADE- The agreement signed between Belgrade and Pristina on Tuesday keeps the power supply in northern Kosovo in the hands of the Serb community there, Serbia's liaison officer in Pristina Dejan Pavicevic said on Wednesday.

The agreement will last only if both sides implement it, and suitable guarantees have been secured to that end, Pavicevic said in awritten statement.

Serbian List in the government without Self-Determination (RTS)

Political representatives of Kosovo Serbs and Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic agreed today that the Serbian List is ready to participate in future Kosovo government without the members of the Self-Determination movement.

At the press conference Director of the Serbian Office for Kosovo Marko Djuric said that the Serbian List is ready to talk with all and that it is ready for other options including extraordinary elections.


Is the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina jeopardized? (RTS)

Continuation of the Kosovo Assembly’s constitutive session is postponed for 18 September, following the request of the Serbian List. By this postponement the Serbian List is seeking additional consultations due to its disagreement with the stance of the movement Self-Determination for revision and the eventual discontinuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.
