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Drecun: Serbia will not leave its people at Pristina’s merciless (RTS)

Chairman of the Serbian National Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun told RTS that in a case of a massive violence taking place in Kosovo, and if KFOR can not or does not want to react, Serbia would not leave its people at Pristina’s merciless.

Speaking for the RTS news edition, Drecun also assessed the statement of EU High Representative Federica Mogherini that the final agreement between Belgrade and Pristina must be in line with international law, but also get support of the UN Security Council “as very significant.”

Serbian FM: Don't come for Trepca, don't play with fire (Tanjug, B92)

All international factors have been told clearly that any military intervention undermining the Brussels deal with NATO and KFOR would cause Serbia's reaction. Serbian Foreign Minister and First Deputy PM Ivica Dacic said this on Wednesday.

"Everyone knows well that no one must play with fire and expect Serbia not to react. Serbia will react," Dacic told reporters in response to questions about reports of the Kosovo authorities' plans to mount a raid on a Trepca plant in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, Tanjug is reporting.

Dacic: Serbia warned NATO, we will react if Serbs are attacked (TV Pink, Tanjug, B92)

There is no unified appeal by the international community to Pristina to revoke the tariffs on goods from Serbia, and that is why they remain in force, Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic told TV Pink.

He added the US has been interested in the tariffs to be revoked and the dialogue to continue, because they want to score political points.

Why do they try to scare us? (Radio KIM)

There are different warnings on alleged conflicts arriving from Belgrade over the last couple of months, including those about “possible attacks against the Serbs in the north” and “tensions” created by Pristina. Such statements can be heard almost on a daily basis from the Serbian President, Foreign Affairs Minister, members of Srpska Lista, and also Serbian Army Chief-in-Staff, Radio KIM reports.

However, some Serbs from the north of Kosovo think such statements aim to intimidate the population, while an intention to sign the agreement and hand over Kosovo has been behind it.

Nenad Popovic: Aim of NATO aggression failed, Kosovo is Serbian (Tanjug, B92)

It is clear the goal because of which Serbia was bombarded in 1999 has not been fulfilled, and Kosovo remains Serbian, also thanking to the efforts of Russia that did not allow changes of the Resolution 1244. This is according to the Serbian Minister for Innovations and Technological Development, Nenad Popovic.

Serbia-EurAsian Union agree text of free trade agreement (BETA, TV N1)

The trade ministers of Serbia and the EurAsian Union, Rasim Ljajic and Veronika Nikishina agreed on the final draft of a free trade agreement at Tuesday’s meeting in Moscow, BETA news agency reported.

Ljajic told BETA that they agreed on a “modern agreement on free trade in line with the rules of the World Trade Organization and principles of contemporary trade practice”.

Serbia already has bilateral agreements with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan and the new agreement will cover those countries as well as Armenia and Kirgizstan, Ljajic said.

Vucic: If we accepted Cosic's and Djidjic's idea we'd be in EU (RTS, Tanjug, B92)

If we accepted the idea of ​​delineation as a solution for Kosovo, when Dobrica Cosic offered it for the first time, today we would be a member of the EU, President Aleksandar Vucic said this on Tuesday.

In his statement for RTS, the Serbian president said that Serbia at a time when (writer) Cosic and (late PM) Djindjic talked about that, had much more in Kosovo than it has today.

Rankovic: SOC and Patriarch Irinej will not change stance that Kosovo is unalienable part of Serbia (BETA, Danas)

Editor of Voice of Church, deacon Ljubomir Rankovic told BETA news agency he thinks the stance of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) on Kosovo will never change.

He recalled the stance on Kosovo was confirmed at Holy Synod Assembly session in May last year, and the stance is that Kosovo is an unalienable part of Serbia, and there could be no talks about Kosovo being detached from Serbia.

Vucic on TV Prva about dialogue and Angela's people (Prva TV, B92)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, in an interview for Prva TV, which starts at 13:00 today, will speak, among other things, about Pristina's action called "Steel Ring."

As announced, Vucic will answer the question on what kind of messages were transmitted to him by the closest associates of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, with whom he spoke until late last night, as well as what he told them.

Vucic will also talk about the current situation in Kosovo and dialogue with Pristina, but also about other open issues.