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"Serbia can move even faster on its path to EU" (Serbian Government, B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic reiterated on Tuesday in Brussels that the main foreign policy priority of Serbia is joining the EU. Brnabic said that "we can be even more efficient in the reforms that we conduct, primarily because of our citizens," the government announced.

At a joint press conference with EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini, Brnabic recalled that 16 negotiating chapters are currently open, after the meeting of the Stabilization and Association Council between Serbia and the EU, while two are temporarily closed.

President Vucic: Fear for future (B92, Serbian Government)

According to the text of his address at the Council published by the Serbian Government, Aleksandar Vucic said that he was worried and afraid for the future not only of the Serb people and Serbia, but the entire region.

Vucic warned about Pristina's efforts to impose legal and political violence, economic pressure and unilateral moves, such as imposing taxes and forming the so-called Kosovo army, creating a new situation on the ground and extorting recognition from Serbia.

Stefanovic: Good diplomatic victory of Serbia (Prva TV, B92)

Serbian Minister of Interior, Nebojsa Stefanovic speaking for Prva TV news edition said that Serbia has won a good diplomatic victory at the UN SC session yesterday evening.

“It was a good diplomatic victory of Serbia. Serbia did all as it should, it was good to see the world started to realize there is no solution to the Kosovo issue without Serbia. It was also noticeable that different tones could be heard,” Stefanovic added.

We've shown them what they've created - Serbian President (VoA, Serbian Government, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic has told Voice of America (VOA) that he was pleased with the results of Monday's UN Security Council session. The session was called to discuss Pristina's decision to start forming an army in Kosovo - a move Serbia strongly opposes.

The Serbian president told VOA that Serbia has "informed everyone about the situation in Kosovo."

In his address, he informed the Security Council that Serbia fulfilled all the obligations from the Brussels Agreement, while, as he said, "Pristina did not fulfill anything."

Serbian PM travels to Brussels (Serbian Government, B92)

Prime Minister Ana Brnabic will make an official visit to Brussels December 18-19. Brnabic will chair a meeting of the Stabilization and Association Council between Serbia and the European Union, the government announced on Monday.

Brnabic will meet with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, European Council President Donald Tusk, European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resources Gunther Oettinger and European Commissioner for Trade Cecilia Malmstrom.

Serbian FM Dacic: We will seek an urgent session of the UN Security Council due to the Pristina's decision (Tanjug, RTS)

RTS reports that Serbia will seek today the holding of an urgent session of the UN Security Council due to the worst violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 by the Pristina's decision to form a Kosovo army, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said.

"This is the most direct threat to peace and stability in the region and the security of the Serbian people living in Kosovo and Metohija," Ivica Dacic told Tanjug.

Kosovo Assembly adopts laws to establish army (B92, RTS, Tanjug)

The Kosovo Assembly in Pristina on Friday adopted three draft laws allowing for transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) into an army. Several future "soldiers" also walked into the parliament (see video below), B92 reports.

RTS is reporting said that the legislation in question was passed "under accelerated procedure and unanimously." The decision, that comes after years of trying, has been supported by the US and Germany, but is opposed by the EU and NATO, that is currently (through KFOR) tasked with guarding Kosovo's borders.

Brnabic: Today is difficult day, does not contribute to cooperation in region (BETA, Danas)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said today is a difficult day for her, but that Serbia would continue its path towards peace and prosperity, BETA news agency reports.

She added today’s decision of the Kosovo Assembly to pass the laws on transformation of the Kosovo Security Forces does not contribute to the cooperation in the region.

She underlined Serbia would continue its path towards peace and prosperity since without stable region there is no stable Serbia either.

Vulin: Vucic informed, army ready (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Minster of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin said the situation in Kosovo and Metohija is assessed, while President Aleksandar Vucic is informed about every detail, Tanjug news agency reported.

Vulin added that the President is very much concerned and worried over everything that is happening on the territory of Kosovo and Metohija, and that he would make decisions based on immediate insight into what happens there.