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"Wave of Serb nationalism possible without fair solution" (Tanjug, Rheinische Post, B92)

Aleksandar Vucic has warned that, unless a solution acceptable to the majority, there could be a new wave of Serb nationalism.

In an interview for the German daily Rheinische Post, the Serbian president stressed that Serbia is in favor of a fair compromise in resolving the Kosovo issue.

When the interviewer assessed that Serbia is "avoiding to recognize the independence of its former province" and when asked whether this price should be paid for the EU, he said it was "inconceivable that Serbia, in the solution of the conflict, will be left empty-handed in the end."

Some US plan for Kosovo exists after all? (B92)

There has been an increasing number of allegations in the media recently that Serbia had been presented with a plan for Kosovo, either verbally or in writing.

Each of them, although in different ways, suggests that Serbia on the road to membership in the European Union should agree to recognize Kosovo, or at least accept that Kosovo be given a chair in the United Nations.

OSCE urges action on journalists’ murders in Kosovo (B92, BIRN)

The OSCE wants renewed efforts to uncover the truth behind the kidnappings and murders of Serb and ethnic Albanian journalists connected to the 1999 war.

OSCE ambassador to Kosovo Jan Braathu said on Tuesday at the unveiling of a memorial plaque to two Serbian reporters who were kidnapped in 1999 and never found that the European organisation will support increased efforts to find the perpetrators of crimes against journalists in the country.

Vucic receives "no US plan - just indications, principles" (B92, Beta)

President Aleksandar Vucic said in Sofia, Bulgaria late on Wednesday that he received "no US plan for solving the situation with Kosovo," Beta is reporting.

Vucic at the same time reportedly said he did receive "indications and principles."

He is quoted as saying there were "decent things" in those - but also "solutions he does not agree with."

Financial Times: Vucic says he is obsessed with Kosovo (N1)

“I’m obsessed with Kosovo,” Serbian President Aleksnadar Vucic told the Financial Times adding that everything he has done to date depends on a solution to the Kosovo problem.

 “Without resolving that problem everything I have achieved so far won’t be sustainable. The first crisis will kill us,” he said.

Spanish PM decides to snub EU-Balkans summit over Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy will definitely not participate in the EU-Western Balkans summit in Sofia, due to his country's position on Kosovo.

Spain does not recognize the unilaterally declared independence of Kosovo.

"It was clear from the beginning that Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy does not want to attend due to Spain's position on Kosovo's status," Tanjug reported on Tuesday, citing a senior EU official.

A lower ranked diplomatic officials will still represent Spain at the summit, it has been announced in Brussels.

West gives Vucic plan for Kosovo - "and if he refuses..." (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

The United States and Western countries have submitted a plan to solve the Kosovo problem to Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, writes daily Blic.

The paper says that the plan is "better for Serbia than all of the previous ones, but still unacceptable to Vucic."

"The United States and Western countries have submitted their principles, but for us it is insufficiently good," an unnamed source "familiar with the details of the proposal" has been quoted as saying.

RF on secret training at US base, US on Kosovo recognitions (BETA, Tanjug, B92)

Russia and China have once again opposed initiatives coming from some UN Security Council members to change the format of the UN mission in Kosovo, UNMIK.

They hold the same position when it comes to attempts to change the format of the Council's sessions dedicated to Kosovo. In this way, they supported Serbia's stance on the issue.

EU Summit on WB: Enlargement possible, but many obstacles (N1)

The forthcoming European Union Summit on Western Balkans in Sofia will be an incentive to linkage and enlargement, but the potential candidate countries still face a number of obstacles, a conference in Belgrade has been told on Monday.

The issue of enlargement was back on the EU’s agenda thanks to the Bulgarian presidency over the block, the country’s envoy to Belgrade Radko Vlajkov told the “EU Summit – Western Balkans: Where is the enlargement there?” conference.

Kosovo main 'hurdle' on Serbia's path to EU: President Vucic (AFP)

Kosovo remains the major "hurdle" blocking Serbia's path to European Union membership, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Monday, urging concessions from Pristina.

"The only big problem that I see as a real obstacle in our European path is the Kosovo issue," Vucic, an ultra-nationalist turned pro-European, told AFP in an interview.