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Serbian FM asks UN not to change format of Kosovo sessions (BETA, B92)

Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic on Monday asked the UN not to change the format of sessions dedicated to Kosovo - something requested by Western powers.

Dacic was addressing a regular UN Security Council meeting dedicated to the new report of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on the work of the UN mission in Kosovo and Metohija, UNMIK.

Corruption is Kosovo's main problem, colonel says (N1, Vecernje Novosti)

Colonel Nick Ducic, the new commander of the US military base in Kosovo has assessed the situation in Kosovo as stable, noting that the crucial problems Kosovo is faced with are corruption and organized crime.

Speaking for Belgrade-based daily Vecernje novosti, Ducic has announced his soon visit to the central Serbia, where he will meet the Serbian Army’s representatives.

Drecun: We do not accept Kosovo membership in UN in turn for ZSO (RTS, Radio Belgrade)

Serbia will not accept membership of a false state of Kosovo in UN in turn for Association/Community of Serb-Majority Municipalities, Chairperson of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun told Radio Belgrade.

He repeated a stance that the only acceptable solution to Belgrade is the one reached in a compromise. What we can offer, Drecun continued, is to sit at the negotiation table and to reach a compromised solution for the Kosovo final status, while anything outside of it will not be accepted.

Two decades since first kidnappings in Kosovo (FoNet, Danas)

Association of Families of Kosmet Victims said in a press release that 14th May 2018 marks two decades since first organized kidnappings of Serb civilians took place in Kosovo and Metohija, Danas daily reported.

The Association reminded that a worker Zarko Spasic was kidnapped two decades ago from his working place in Belacevac colliery.

Dveri supports Serbian Orthodox Church message on Kosovo (Tanjug, RTS)

Dveri Movement welcomed stance of the Serbian Orthodox Church on Kosovo that preservation of Kosovo and Metohija as an integral part of Serbia is the most important national topic for all, RTS reported.

“We believe that anyone who would turn a deaf ear to the Holly Assembly message on Kosovo, would not only turn a deaf ear to the Serbian Orthodox Church, but would by renouncing Kosovo and Metohija for the sake of Serbia’s path to the EU, literally annul himself from the Serbian history,” Dveri Movement press statement said.

UNSC meets on Kosovo: Pristina will not like Guterres report (B92, Tanjug, RTS)

A regular UN Security Council session on Kosovo will be held on Monday in New York. Serbia is represented by Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic.

The session will discuss the UN secretary-general's report on the work of the UN mission in Kosovo, UNMIK, covering the period from January 17 to April 15.

"Serbians will have chance to declare themselves on Kosovo" (BETA)

President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday that the citizens of Serbia will have the opportunity to "declare themselves on a solution for Kosovo."

Vucic told a news conference in Belgrade with the chair of the German Bundestag Committee on the Affairs of the EU that Serbia is ready for talks and a compromise, but not for blackmail and threats.

"Citizens of Serbia will have the opportunity to declare themselves on what we think is a rational and compromise solution," Vucic said.

DSS: Serbian Orthodox Church appeal on Kosovo to be guidance (BETA, B92)

Leader of Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), Milos Jovanovic said that the message from the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) Holly Archbishops Assembly message on Kosovo and Metohija should be “a guidance for a change of current Serbia’s policy towards Kosovo and Metohija,” BETA news agency reported.

Jovanovic added the SOC appealed to our statesmen to never consent to the alienation of Kosovo and Metohija, Serbian media reported.