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Rašić: In Kosovo is applied an unlawful act on pensions (Kontakt plus radio)

Member of the Parliament of Kosovo Nenad Rašić said that a request was filed before the Kosovo Constitutional Court for the protection of constitutional rights of citizens who receive the basic pension, or some kind of social assistance of 75 euro, who were deprived of this right, as he said, by an illegal bylaw of the Kosovo Ministry of Labour and Social protection.

Earlier this year, the ministry has adopted a bylaw that expands criteria for receipt of the basic pension.

Kosovo lobbies for visa-free travel to Bosnia and Herzegovina (Telegrafi)

Kosovo lawyer, Azem Vllasi, has travelled to Bosnia and Herzegovina on behalf of the Kosovo Foreign Ministry to lobby for the lifting of visa requirements for the people of Kosovo. Vllasi already met in Sarajevo the chairman of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bakir Izetbegović, and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Adil Osmanović.

"No rush with Kosovo preamble - look at Turkey" (Tanjug, B92)

The chairman of the Serbian National Assembly's Judiciary Committee says there should be "no rush" in "removing the constitutional preamble on Kosovo."

"I personally think that we should not rush this, because there is the question of the order of events when it comes to Serbia's admission to the EU. We are optimistic, but that does not mean the job will go quickly," Petar Petrović, from the United Serbia (JS) party and the SPS-JS assembly club, told Tanjug on Wednesday.


Four months of suspended sentence for four Serbs (KoSSev)

Judge of the Basic Court in Pejë/Peći has ruled four months suspended sentence for four detained Serbs who were arrested on 20 June in Pejë/Peć region.

Young Serbs from central Serbia were arrested after attending a religious holiday in village Petrič, in Klina/Klinë municipality. They were arrested after Kosovo Police noticed that they have displayed the Serbian flag and after, according to the police report, they resisted to the arrest order.


Development of women entrepreneurship needed (RTK2)

According to the official data, only 13% per cent of women in Kosovo have started their own business. With the goal of rising this percentage, the Agency for Investments and Support to Companies, which operates under the auspices of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, in cooperation with the NGO “Women in Business”, is organizing a three day fair of the women entrepreneurship. The goal of the fair is integration of women in the society, promotion and expanding of women entrepreneurship.

Survey looks into attitudes on EU, NATO, Kosovo, and Crimea (B92)

53 percent of Serbians believe the country should continue with EU integration even after Britain's departure from the Union.

Tanjug said this quoting an article in Belgrade-based newspaper Blic, which reported the results of a survey conducted the Institute for European Affairs NGO.

The poll, done in the first half of July, will be presented on Thursday, July 28.

Đurić: Brsussels to exert pressure on Pristina (RTS, KIM Radio)

The Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić, claims that Brussels has to exert pressure on Pristina in order to start implementing the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities, taking into account that a year has already passed since the agreement was reached. He said to Radio Television Serbia (RTS) that Serbia has fulfilled its part of obligations in regard to this issue.