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Effects of investments in Northern Kosovo after the Brussels Agreement – Do we live better? (Kontakt Plus Radio)

With the goal of assessing effects and results of investments in municipalities in northern Kosovo in last three years, the Institute for Territorial Economic Development (InTER) in cooperation with the RTV Mir from Leposavić/Leposaivq, supported by the Kosovo Foundation for Open Society, is conducting a project dubbed ‘Effects of investments in Northern Kosovo after the signing of the Brussels Agreement – Do we live better?”


DSS : Repression by Serbian Progressive Party in Kosovo (Kossev)

DSS Provincial Board for Kosovo and Metohija in its latest press release supports the former President Sanda Rašković-Ivić in the attitude that "in no case'' should be made up a coalition with the Serbian Progressive Party in Voždovac, and especially not in Vračar, because the municipality of Vračar is a "symbol of resistance to dictatorship of Aleksandar Vučić."

Udovičić: We can’t recognize Kosovo through sport (KIM Radio)

Recommendation of the Serbian Government and all Serbian sport associations at the Olympic Games is that Serbian athletes should leave the medal podium if they end up there together with the Kosovo representatives, however the final decision would be up to every individual athlete, the Serbian Minister for Sport, Vanja Udovičić, stated.


Demarcation between Montenegro and Kosovo completed (Kontakt plus radio)

The agreement is final, by which the border between Montenegro and Kosovo was established, says Chief of the Management Board for the borders of Montenegro, Milan Paunović.

He told Television of Montenegro that the demarcation between Montenegro and Kosovo has ended, as well as that Kosovo's parliament would ratify the agreement in August.

Kozarev: Does Pristina consider EU representatives as infidels as well? (KIM radio)

Deputy director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Dušan Kozarev, asked Kosovo prime minister’s advisor Bajram Gecaj ‘if political representatives of Kosovo Albanians consider and EU representatives in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina as infidels as well since they promised, by signing the agreement on 25 August last year, that ZSO (Community of Serb majority municipalities) will be established and the rest of agreements implemented’.


Russian ambassador: Kosovo de facto protectorate, not state (B92, Beta)

Russian Ambassador Aleksandr Chepurin says it is "increasingly clear" the EU is lacks the strength to secure the implementation of Kosovo dialogue agreements.

"The European Union, with the consent of Belgrade, assumed the role of a mediator in resolving the conflict. But today it is increasingly clear that it lacks the strength to ensure the implementation of even the first (Brussels) agreement," the diplomat told TV Most from Zvecan, a town in northern Kosovo.

Dačić thanks Ukraine for active participation in Kfor (Tanjug)

Serbian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic held a meeting with Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze in Belgrade on Thursday at which they noted a mutual commitment to territorial integrity as the basic principle of peaceful development of international relations.

Dacic thanked Ukraine for its active participation in Kfor, whose troops, with sincere support from the local Serb population, protect Serbian holy sites in Kosovo-Metohija.

Ukraine's vice PM says her country won't recognize Kosovo (B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic and Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze met in Belgrade on Thursday.

They discussed "bilateral relations" and "agreed it was important that the leaderships of Serbia and Ukraine support the territorial integrity of both countries," Tanjug reported, quoting a statement issued by the Serbian government.