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Haradinaj: Biden’s visit an honor for Kosovo and opposition (RTKlive)

The leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj, spoke about the visit of the U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden to Kosovo. He did not see a problem on the fact that Biden would not meet the opposition parties. “The visit of the U.S. Vice-President, Joe Biden is an honor for Kosovo, while the Institutions of Kosovo are the discussing party. This visit is also an honor for the opposition,” Haradinaj said.

13 years from murder of children in Goraždevac (KIM Radio)

A commemoration to murdered Ivan Jovović (19) and Pantelija Dakić (12), who were killed by unknown perpetrators on 13 August 2003, while bathing at Bistrica River, will be held tomorrow at the local church in the village Goraždevac, Peć municipality. Four other children were severely wounded too, however no one is held responsible for this crime until today. Following its deployment to Kosovo EULEX took over the case from UNMIK, hence the investigation was later closed due to the lack of evidence.


Maliqi: Recognition of Kosovo, the best solution (RTK2)

The last step (of Serbia) on its path to the EU has to be full normalization of relations with Kosovo, which to certain extend implies recognition, said Shkelzen Maliqi, the advisor to the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama.

Statement of the Serbian prime minister designate, Aleksandar Vučić, that “recognition of Kosovo would cut the Gordian knot, however it won’t be done”, Maliqi interprets actually as announcement that recognition could take place in the end.


Mirčić: Pressure on Serbia to recognize Kosovo (RTS, RTV)

The vice-president of the Serbian Radical Party (SRS), Milorad Mirčić, today said that radicals fear for Serbia’s future because of the growing pressure on Belgrade to recognize Kosovo as soon as possible, distant itself from the Republic of Srpska and amend its Constitution.

“The fear is bigger in the eve of the announced visit of the US vice-president Joseph Biden, and whenever Biden visits Serbia it is conditioned with giving up some parts of our territory,” said Mirčić to journalists in the Serbian Assembly.


Kosovo confident of World Bank approval for coal plant (Bota Sot)

In a recent article, the US-based magazine Power Engineering International wrote that Kosovo is in urgent need of replacing the old Kosova A power plant that causes a high level of pollution with a new plant that would also eliminate ongoing energy problems. Kosovo government has expressed confidence that the New Kosovo coal-fired power plant will win final approval for funding from the World Bank.

U.S. vice president to visit Serbia next week - White House (B92)

U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden will visit Belgrade and Pristina at the beginning of next week, the White House announced on Tuesday.

During an August 15-17 tour of the Balkans, Biden will hold meetings with the president and the prime minister of Serbia and speak with the Kosovo authorities, Reuters has reported, quoting a White House statement.

The statement "did not say what subjects would be discussed," the agency noted.