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DSS: Sad end of Serbian nationalist ideology (Blic)

“The Patriotic Block of Kosovo and Metohija has full understanding of the current uncomfortable position of the leadership of the Serbian Radical Party when it comes to relations with the Hague Tribunal, however Kosovo and Metohija should not be an instrument for bargaining aimed at improving the legal status of Hague indictees,’ communicated the provincial branch of the DSS for Kosovo and Metohija.

Victims without justice (Vecernje Novosti)

Relatives and friends of Serb victims who were killed and wounded in the bomb attack on a ‘Nis-Expres’ bus fifteen years ago, have gathered yesterday for a commemoration service in a church in Laplje Selo village in Gracanica/Graçanicë municipality.

Kosovo Albanian Florim Ejupi, the only person accused for placing hidden explosives on the regional road near Podujevo/Podujevë that killed eleven passengers and seriously wounded ten others, was released from jail by the Supreme Court panel of judges in 2009, due to lack of evidence.


Kosovo Police drafts plan for 17 February protests (Gazeta Blic)

In a press release, Kosovo Police informed that it is already in possession of a plan to ensure safety and security during the upcoming protest.

“With the intention of informing public opinion on the protest which will be held on 17 February, at 14:00 hours, Kosovo Police has made all the required preparations by drafting the operational plan,” says the press release.

The strategic aim of this operational plan is:

Election will not bring about change in Kosovo (KIM Radio)

In the case that early elections are held in Kosovo, the power balance within the institutions would remain the same, claims Minister for Communities and Return in the Kosovo government Dalibor Jevtić on ‘Dogovor’ TV show on RTV KIM.

Jevtić further said that neither the issue of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities nor the demarcation with Montenegro are considered as problems for Kosovo opposition parties, instead they are more interested in coming into power.

Tadić: No consequences as long as government is cooperative about Kosovo (Danas)

Serbia will not face any significantly serious political consequences for not handing over members of the Serbian Radical Party to the Hague Tribunal, as long as the Serbian Government is cooperative on the Kosovo issue, said Boris Tadić, the Chairperson of the Social-Democratic Party (SDS) and former President of Serbia. During his mandate, five individuals were indicted by and handed over to the Hague.


Army Chief: Downsizing KFOR would have security implications (B92)

Reducing the number of KFOR troops in Kosovo "would adversely affect the security situation" there, Serbian Army (VS) chief Gen. Ljubisa Dikovic said at a meeting on Thursday in Belgrade with KFOR commander Gen. Guglielmo Luigi Miglietta.

Dikovic stressed that the VS sees the KFOR administration as the most important element in maintaining security and stability in Kosovo and Metohija, and that downsizing it would have negative security implications, the VS said in a release.


Friends should support change (Kosova Sot)

The front-page editorial of the paper says that population in Kosovo will eternally be appreciative for the support of international friends, especially the U.S. and the EU, on investments, declaration of independence, recognition and membership in international organizations. “It is not their fault that our politicians are corrupt and have damaged the state, become wealthy through public funds, and built a criminal governing system...

Montenegrins condemn removal of street name board (KIM Radio)

The Association of Montenegrins of Kosovo has condemned the removal of the ‘St. Radovan Zogović’ street name board  in Pristina, which had been damaged on several occasions in the past. The Association communicated to media that this street is now called St. Lorenc Antoni, and added that by this act, the authorities of Pristina have shown their true colors with regards to the domestic and international public and sent a clear message that Montenegrins are not welcomed in Pristina.