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Half of residents in northern Kosovo without opinion on Brussels Agreement (RTS)

Majority of residents in northern Kosovo are not satisfied with the current situation in that part of the province, whereas when it comes to institutions, Serbian Government is most trusted institution shows a poll conducted by the informal group of 14 NGOs from the north. The poll shows that Serbian Government is trusted by 14,3 per cent of residents, provisional bodies (Belgrade-sponsored) 12,2 per cent, whereas municipalities created after local elections in 2013  enjoy 10.8 per cent of trust.


Kosovo Government: Ongoing preparations for census in northern Kosovo (KoSSev)

Preparations are ongoing for census that will be carried out by the Kosovo government in four municipalities in northern Kosovo with Serb majority. Preparations were discussed yesterday by the Minister without portfolio in the Kosovo government Edita Tahiri, Minister of Culture Kujtim Shala and the director at Eurostat Pieter Everaers, communicated the Office of the Prime Minister.


Serbian team to continue the job on creation of the A/CSM (TV Most)

“Decision of the Kosovo Constitution Court to temporarily suspend all activities on the creation of Community of Serb municipalities does not oblige Serbia. People in the team in charge for developing the draft statute of the Community of Serb municipalities should continue their work and accomplish it until 25 December this year,” said chairperson of Active Serbia Dusan Janjic to TV Most.


Chambers of commerce of Kosovo and Serbia today in Pristina (KoSSev)

Chamber of Commerce of Serbia (CCS) and Chamber of Commerce of Kosovo (CCK) are organizing today and tomorrow in Pristina meetings between the representatives of companies from the construction sector, and a workshop dubbed ‘Current situation and perspectives in the construction sector’, communicated press office of the CCS. This meeting has been arranged following recent meetings on the fields of energy and agriculture, in line with the Action plan on cooperation between the two chambers.


Thaci: We won against Serbia at UNESCO (RTK)

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci said at the meeting of the government that the decision of UNESCO not to admit Kosovo as a new member does not undermine Kosovo’s statehood and that membership in international organizations remains a priority for the government. Although Kosovo did not receive enough votes to join UNESCO, Thaci said that the votes in favour of Kosovo’s membership show that "we won against Serbia.”

Thaci: Our progress is being acknowledged (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci welcomed the latest European Commission Progress Report saying it acknowledges the progress Kosovo has made in the EU integration process. “The assessment of the progress achieved in the visa liberalization process is also welcomed. We now rightly expect to travel next year without visas to Europe,” Thaci wrote on Facebook. “There is no doubt we are on the right track. Our progress is being acknowledged. Nothing and no one can stop our path to EU.”

Progress Report commends Kosovo on SAA, criticizes opposition’s actions (media)

All media sites report on the European Commission’s 2015 Progress Report on Kosovo. The Report notes as successful steps the signing of the Stabilization/Association Agreement between Kosovo and the European Union, the constitutional amendments for the formation of the Special Court and the agreements reached with Serbia in Brussels. The report also criticizes the actions of the opposition in the Assembly, suggesting that a solution must be found in order to unblock the work of the Assembly.