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Serbs could leave the Kosovo government over failure to implement deal (B92)

Ahead of a final decision of the Constitutional Court in Pristina, Belgrade is saying it has no intention of giving up on what was signed in Brussels.

Representatives of Serbs in Kosovo are announcing they could leave the government if the Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) is not formed.

Although Serbia has no alternative to dialogue, the possibility of breaking off the Kosovo talks is not being ruled out.

Solidarity against evil (Kosova Sot)

The front page editorial of this daily notes that it is easy to notice Kosovo’s solidarity with victims, attacked population, and a united condemning position  against aggressors, attackers, criminals and terrorists. This expression of the good will noticed in every public announcement, interview, and social networks is encouraging for Kosovo’s population which proves that they are aligned or at least want to be with progressive forces of the world.

Kosovo, ISIS’s “recruitment field” (Zeri)

Editor in chief of this daily, Arbana Xharra, considers that it is natural to be concerned if recent events in Paris could occur in Kosovo. This question is legitimate, she notes, knowing that so far, 300 Kosovars have joined the “Islamic State” and its branches in the Middle East. “So there are sufficient elements for concern, because they are among us and brain washing did not happen within a night.

Petritsch: Agreements must be respected (Blic, Tanjug, B92)

The decision of the Kosovo Constitutional Court regarding the Community/Association of Serbian Municipalities is not good because it is important that the responsibilities undertaken are respected, says the president of the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Wolfgang Petritsch.

The way members of the Serb community feel will also be a benchmark of Kosovo's progress, he told Tanjug.

Prosecution launches preliminary investigation against unknown persons (TV Most)

War crimes prosecution has launched a preliminary investigation against unknown persons with regards to crimes connected with bodily remains of Kosovo Albanians found in a mass grave at location Rudnica, Serbia proper. Prosecution communicated, following the exhumation and identification of bodies, that it is about Kosovo Albanian civilians who were most probably killed in the area of villages Rezale and Ćirez.
