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REKOM: Determine the accuracy of information about the mass grave (B92, N1, KiM radio)

The Coalition for REKOM invited the competent authorities of Serbia to determine the accuracy of information about the existence of a mass grave in the village of Medevce, 30 meters from the road Leskovac - Pristina.

A site suspected of being a mass grave is one kilometre and a half from the administrative crossing of Mutivode, in the land-based security zone towards Kosovo and about 300 meters away from KFOR units.

"According to the received information, with the message that it was a" contribution to the resolution of the fate of the missing", at the site, during the construction of a facility for the needs of the police, in September 2001, four bodies were excavated and broken with military backhoe, and buried on the unmarked place near the Leskovac-Pristina road," the statement said on the occasion of the International Day of the Missing Persons.

The Coalition for REKOM has invited individuals who have information and information on mass graves and destruction of mortal remains of war victims, to report and help clarify the fate of another 10,281 people who were missing in the 1990s wars in the former SFRY.

The Coalition for RECOM is a regional coalition of non-governmental organizations that requires the successor countries of former Yugoslavia to establish a Regional War Crimes Commitment Commission.