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Suvi Do/Suhodoll: The search of remains of missing persons in Suvi Do launched (Kim Radio, Kossev)

KIM radio and portal KoSSev reported that in the village of Suvi Do/Suhodoll in North Mitrovica started yesterday the search of the remains of missing persons during the Kosovo conflict.

The media reported that so far excavations have been carried out three times in that location and that the remains of 105 bodies have been found, which have been identified and handed over to their relatives.

The representatives of the Associations for Missing Persons nevertheless doubt that the site has not been fully investigated.

The president of the Government's Commission for Missing Persons, Prenk Gjetaj, says that the exact number of bodies suspected of being in this place cannot be determined, because there is a cemetery nearby.

"This is investigative search. According to the information, there were no previous findings, but there was a suspicion that the entire area has not been examined, so at those parts that were not investigated the excavation is continuing," said Gjetaj.

The President of the Missing Persons Association in Mitrovica Bajram Qerkini criticized the work done so far by the international community on this site, saying they worked recklessly.

"We suspected, and we still suspect where the Hague Tribunal worked, and the French and many others, from UNMIK to EULEX worked and left. I believe that now with our prosecutors, we will once again make assessments where there are doubts," said Qerkini.

The check of the location in Suvi Do/Suhodoll was due to begin at the end of August, but it was postponed due to the funeral of former Prime Minister Bajram Rexhepi, reported KIM radio.