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Dilemmas of Kosovo allies (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s correspondent from Brussels, Augustin Palokaj, writes that Kosovo has recently been in international media for three things: the first has to do with EULEX and serious allegations of corruption within its staff, the second is the institutional stalemate and the third aspect is related to the Kosovo youths going to fight in the Syrian conflict. None of the above topics is pleasant for Kosovo and none can help it in its aspirations to build a democratic and functional state.

Triangle of banality (Koha Ditore)

Publicist and former publisher of Koha Ditore, Veton Surroi, writes in an opinion piece that while the Bermuda Triangle serves as a synonym for a mystery, in Kosovo there is a similar type of a triangle between the leader of Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Hashim Thaci, President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga, and President of Constitutional Court Enver Hasani. The Kosovo triangle, adds Surroi, possesses all necessary features of the Bermuda Triangle – capacity to create losses and its banality. Thaci leads the triangle in all aspects.

Either will the politicians lose a little or the people will lose a lot (Koha Ditore)

KTV’s editor-in-chief, Adriatik Kelmendi, says that just as the June elections brought no absolute winners, so will the current political situation bring none of the political blocs as absolute winners. In fact, it turns out, elections produced only losers who, unable to form institutions, are risking making the people of Kosovo losers as well. Kelmendi warns that if the situation is not resolved in the next two-three weeks and new elections are announced for no reasons, it means that as of February, there will be no salaries from the Kosovo budget.

Zbogar: I would take my hat off in respect to women from Krusha e Madhe (Koha Ditore)

Head of EU Office in Kosovo, Samuel Zbogar, said that he takes his hat off in respect to the women of Krusha e Madhe. He made the comments in the inauguration of a new food processing facility in the village.  “I am very happy that we are opening this factory that will create new jobs and better living conditions”, said Zbogar. He added that the EU-funded project is part of a bigger project which also involves the municipality of Suhareka.

Extraordinary elections – this was what PDK fought for (Koha Ditore)

According to Halil Matoshi, the entire battle to block the institutions of Kosovo was initiated “One beautiful summer day” by Hashim Thaci when he saw the that the Parliament majority, induced by his bad governance, deceptions and humiliations, was on the other side. The Democratic Party of Kosovo was not after the post of the Assembly Chairperson, but after helping Thaci to govern for the third time.

“Made in Kosovo” crisis has no European solution (Koha Ditore)

Augustin Palokaj says that no comparison can be drawn between the stalemate in Kosovo and the situation in Belgium when the country was left without a government for a period of time. Palokaj claims that in Belgium it was not unclear who should form the government and the question was only who could secure the parliamentary majority. At the same time, in there is a system in place in Belgium to make sure that nothing stalls as a result of no government being formed which is not the case in Kosovo where, according to Palokaj, everything has stopped.