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Flora Brovina as PDK’s “Casus belli” (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Halil Matoshi remarks in his column for the paper that the chair of the Kosovo Assembly’s constitutive session, Flora Brovina from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), has two options in front of her. Brovina can choose to refuse to chair the session because the PDK that has become a minority in the Assembly is violating the principle of democratic majority and this would enable the opposition bloc to appoint another chairperson to unblock creation of institutions.

A new German love (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku, writes today in his regular editorial peace that different from 136 years ago, Berlin Conference held this year made both Albanian states significant factors, by treating Kosovo equal with all the other countries of the region and by giving Albania the possibility to represent the entire region. “Germany gave us a new credit that we needed for such a long time,” he writes.

The Constitutional Court session concludes, decision later (kohaonline)

The session of the Constitutional Court, similar to that of the Assembly of Kosovo

The hearing of the political contest between the coalition block LDK-AAK-NISMA, supported also by Vetevendosje Movement on one side and the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) on the other, was held in almost the same manner as the Kosovo Assembly session held on 17 July.

Arsim Bajrami’s four requests to the Constitutional Court

On anti-extremism (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku writes in his weekly column for the paper that the intervention of the state to put a stop to extremist activities inciting hatred was the logical conclusion of a country that has lost the functioning logic for some time now. Hate speech has been present in Kosovo for fifteen years now, claims Abdixhiku adding that the “brainwashing” organisations flourished in an environment that was under social and economic crises.

Free the youth – arrest ideologists (Koha Ditore)

Halil Matoshi in his weekly column comments on the recent arrests of forty Kosovo citizens suspected of being part of terrorist organisations and claims that in a normal country, before the police take a spectacular operation, the society would have to analyse the reasons that led to the spreading of such fundamentalist movements. Political Islam, remarks Matoshi, has become a global problem and the Kosovo society, to which these recently-arrested forty young men belong to, is unprepared to deal with such a challenge.

Kosovo doesn’t need a Ministry for European Integrations (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s Brussels-based correspondent, Augustin Palokaj, writes today that Kosovo doesn’t really need such a large number of ministries it currently has and whoever forms the new government should avoid the mistake of having more ministries than Germany or Russia. Such a big government is unnecessary and irrational, considers Palokaj.

Mistakes the bloc should not make (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku writes in his weekly column for the paper that the post-election coalition bloc between the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), cannot afford to make the mistake of dividing ministerial posts based on the previous government’s model and should reduce the number of ministries. it should immediately introduce a new model of governance and not build on the old one, suggests Abdixhiku.

On Kosovars' relations to the state (Koha Ditore)

Columnist Lumir Abdixhiku writes about a poll carried out this June by the Kosovo-based research institute “Riinvest” which he took part in and presents some of its findings. The poll that included 1,000 respondents, according to Abdixhiku, provides a clear picture of the relation between the citizens and the state and that it is the citizens’ routine of system refusal that has kept the distance between the Kosovars and the state. This is not only due to Kosovars always being in confrontation with the state but because their disobedience was developed as a social norm.