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Solution or elections (Koha Ditore)

Halil Matoshi, columnist of this daily, considers that the President of Kosovo, should “inaugurate a round table” where political leaders could reflect and reach a solution to the institutional crisis. “However, she has first to “take over the power” from the current Speaker of the Parliament, Flora Brovina, who is exercising PDK’s permanent coup d'é·tat over the Parliament in an illegal manner.” According to Matoshi, it is obvious that the President does not have the political will or authority to do so.

The international community does not see a solution that would save face of all Kosovo politicians (Koha Ditore)

Augustin Palokaj, Brussels based correspondent of this daily, writes that if the joint efforts of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), President Atifete Jahjaga and the Constitutional Court manage to impede building of the institutions of Kosovo by the after election coalition, they will create a precedent in Europe. Many officials in Europe consider that crisis in Kosovo has gone too far and it has become difficult for any politician to come out clean from this crisis.

About our crises (Koha Ditore)

Lumir Abdixhiku in his weekly column writes Kosovo has been under a crisis for quite some time now and it has involved different areas - political, economic, moral and intellectual – but the recent developments have put a new ‘layer’ of crises.  And in this new constellation, anything is possible, writes Abdixhiku. The week-in-going, he says, provided all elements of the Kosovo crises. The first one is regarding the political system which is incapable of overcoming clashes it has caused. The first crisis is the origin of the second one, economic.

Territorial employment pact signed with Dragash municipality (Koha Ditore)

Representatives of the UNDP in Kosovo and local authorities in Dragash municipality signed on Thursday a territorial employment pact drafted by the Austrian Agency for Development. Andrew Russell, UN Kosovo Team coordinator and UNDP representative, said that the project is aimed at supporting human resources and improvement of local infrastructure. “The project involves those persons, especially the youth that have potential for the labour market. Building of new skills that the labour market requires, especially empowerment of the youth from different communities”, said Russell.

Islamic extremists with Serbian “licna karta”* (Koha Ditore)

Following yesterday’s arrest of 15 persons on terrorism charges, of which 12 are Kosovo imams and one political party leader, Enver Robelli writes how one of the arrested imams, Shefqet Krasniqi, had a valid identification card issued by Serbian authorities in 2004. It is probably with this ID that Krasniqi was allowed to travel to Preshevo valley “to brainwash believers there”. Robelli says that Krasniqi, along with many other imams, have incited hatred, lied and manipulated for fifteen years.

Vote for Arsim Bajrami (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Halil Matoshi in his weekly column for the paper writes that the Constitutional Court has left no legal mechanism available for the parliamentary majority to be able to nominate and elect its candidate to the post of Assembly speaker. Being that, as Matoshi says, the president of Kosovo and the Constitutional Court openly support the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), the opposition bloc has no other solution but to resist with legal means “capturing of the state”.

My advice to the opposition (Koha Ditore)

Andrea Capussela who worked for the former International Civilian Office in Kosovo observes in an opinion piece for the paper that although he has not too much respect for the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK) or Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), he does believe that Kosovo could use a change and if Vetevendosje joins in, institutions would become cleaner. Capussela’s message therefore to LDK, AAK and NISMA is to remove the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) from power and take it themselves.

Kosovo should not remain hostage to dialogue (Koha Ditore)

Augustin Palokaj writes today that it is almost certain that the new EU foreign policy chief, Federica Mogherini, will insist on continuation of the Pristina-Belgrade dialogue and implementation of all agreements reached in the course of it. In fact, adds Palokaj, normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is also the condition the two countries have to meet in order to get closer to EU membership. This is particularly the case for Serbia which has already opened membership negotiations.

Hoxhaj at the UN General Assembly session as well (Koha online)

Except for the  President of Kosovo,  Atifete Jahjaga, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Enver Hoxhaj will also participate at the United Nations General Assembly, which is to be held at the end of September. According to Bashmir Xhemaj, adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, 20 bilateral meetings with the countries that have not recognized Kosovo, are already confirmed. “Preparation of the agenda is going on,” he said.