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In Balkans highest concentration of jihadist returnees, Kosovo leads (KoSSev)

The Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) in its analysis entitled "Western Balkans Foreign Fighters and Homegrown Jihadis: Trends and Implications" reports that since 2012, about 1,070 citizens of Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro travelled to Syria and Iraq, primarily joining the Islamic State, and to a lesser extent al-Qaeda (Jabhat al Nusra, more recently rebranded as Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham - HTS).

Pristina uses Iraqi porn still to accuse Serbs of "rape" (B92)

Kosovo-based website Insajderi is reporting that a photo depicting alleged rape of an Albanian by Serbian soldiers is actually a photo from an Iraqi porn site. The photo was shown in the Kosovo Assembly on Thursday by Flora Brovina, a member of the Assembly during a session that adopted a resolution on "genocide" that Serbia allegedly committed in Kosovo, B92 reports.

Kosovo: Two persons arrested for promoting extremist groups (RTV Puls, AP, Tanjug, Blic)

Kosovo police said two person were arrested yesterday in Mitrovica and Lipljan, suspected of promoting extremist groups, RTV Puls reports today.

The police statement reads suspects were arrested because “they have distributed propaganda material as a token of support to the terrorist groups” AP reported, reminding that a maximum prison sentence for these charges is 15 years imprisonment.

250 Islamist Fighters Return to Balkans: Report (Balkan Insight)

Returning Islamic State fighters pose a threat to their countries of origin, including Western Balkan states, says a new report from an NGO dealing with global security issues.

Of around 900 people from the Western Balkans who have gone to fight in Syria or Iraq, some 250 have returned to their home countries, according to a report published on Tuesday by the Soufan Centre, a US-based NGO dedicated to increasing awareness of global security issues.

Jihadis return from Middle East with "school certificates" (B92)

Extremists who return after leaving our country to fight in Iraq and Syria come back with a document certifying that they went to school there.

This document is then used to avoid serving prison time in Serbia, a penalty introduced by the new legislation outlawing participation in wars abroad.

This is what chairman of the Serbian National Assembly's Committee on Control of Security Services Igor Becic told the Belgrade-based daily Politika.

Hyseni: 70 active fighters from Kosovo in Syria and Iraq (media)

Kosovo’s Interior Minister, Skender Hyseni, told a parliamentary briefing today that according to official information there are 70 active fighters from Kosovo in Syria and Iraq. “There are also 38 women and 27 children. 57 Kosovar nationals have been declared dead,” Hyseni told the parliamentary committee on internal affairs and security. Hyseni said Kosovo Police have been able to prevent 40 Kosovars from going to Syria and Iraq.