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Vlajic: Joint investigation theoretically possible (Danas)

Cooperation between Serbian and Kosovo investigative bodies is theoretically possible, but it is necessary to have a political agreement beforehand, a lawyer and a close friend of murdered Oliver Ivanovic, Nebojsa Vlajic told Danas daily.

“If there is no political will from both sides, then this cooperation will not happen,” Vlajic said.

He is not an optimist when it comes to a swift resolution of the murder case, adding he is trying to realistically look into the efficiency of the Kosovo police.

Oliver Ivanovic will be buried in Belgrade (Tanjug, B92)

Oliver Ivanovic will most probably be buried in Belgrade, as per request of his family, Tanjug news agency reports.

The autopsy of Oliver Ivanovic will be done in the Clinical-Hospital Centre in Mitrovica North, Director of the Hospital, Milan Ivanovic confirmed to Tanjug.

The representatives of EULEX and Institute for Forensic Medicine from Pristina will also take part, Ivanovic told Tanjug.


Drecun, Odalovic, Radosavljevic, Janjic on Ivanovic’s murder (RTS, KIM Radio)

Chairperson of the Serbian Assembly Committee for Kosovo and Metohija, Milovan Drecun reacting to the murder of Oliver Ivanovic told RTS it looks like a professional murder.

“It looks there were professional killers. The action was prepared long time, the car used in the assassination was destroyed and a gun with silencer was used,” Drecun said.

He believes, the orderer behind the murder wanted to hide by engaging professional killers.

Oliver Ivanovic killed (Serbian media)

Unknown assailants shot Oliver Ivanovic this morning in North Mitrovica, and he soon succumbed to injuries, it was confirmed to Belgrade daily Blic.

Ivanovic was killed in a shooting occurred around 8.15 this morning in Mitrovica North.

Ivanovic's lawyer, Nebojsa Vlajic, told Blic that Ivanovic, unfortunately, succumbed to injuries.

- It seems that he passed away on the spot. As far as we know, he has five bullet wounds. He was immediately taken to the hospital, doctors tried reanimation, but there was no salvation - Vlajic told Blic.

Initiative to abolish court for KLA crimes fizzles out (Tanjug, B92)

Eight out of 43 members of the Kosovo Assembly who supported an initiative to annul the law on the Specialist Chambers have withdrawn their signatures.

The Specialist Chambers and Specialist Prosecutor's Office, referred to colloquially as "the special KLA court," were set up in 2015 under the auspices of the EU to deal with the crimes committed by KLA ("Kosovo Liberation Army") members during and after the war in Kosovo.

Brammertz unsatisfied over Gotovina, Haradinaj and Perisic (Serbian media)

Hague tribunal chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz says in the interview for Belgrade based daily Vecernje Novosti that he does not think that the Hague Tribunal directly leads to the reconciliation of the people in the former Yugoslavia, but that the determination of responsibility is a prerequisite for reconciliation.

Commission for Return and Community Affairs established (KIM Radio)

Inter-ministerial Commission for Return and Community Affairs was established yesterday, following the proposal of the Kosovo Minister for Return and Communities, Dalibor Jevtic, KIM Radio reported.

By this decision two inter-ministerial commissions from the previous government were united, aiming to unite actions of the ministries in resolving the issues affecting the return process and the situation of non-majority communities in Kosovo.

Athletes request guidelines about how to behave towards Kosovo (Serbian media)

The fifth round table, within the internal dialogue on Kosovo in Serbia, was held yesterday this time with athletes, representatives of the sports associations and university institutions, Serbian media reported.

So far, the conduct of Serbian athletes at competitions involving the Kosovo sports persons was determined by the government’s recommendation, now it was asked that the recommendation to turn into a binding instruction.

“Small private media in difficult situation, Srpska Lista does not cooperate” (KIM Radio)

An annual assembly of the Association of Journalists of Serbia in Kosovo was held yesterday in Gracanica, Serbian media reported.

Participants discussed about the issues journalists in Kosovo are facing, and one of them, according to the participants is non-cooperation of the Srpska Lista with some media outlets in Kosovo, KIM Radio further reported.

Annual report and guidance for the forthcoming period were also discussed.