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Simic: Serbs will not accept violent integration of Mitrovica North (TV Pink, Tanjug, Vecernje Novosti)

Serbs from Mitrovica North will not accept the violent integration with Mitrovica South, Srpska Lista Deputy Chair, Igor Simic said, commenting on an initiative to unite the town, Tanjug news agency reported.

“Serbs from northern part of Mitrovica will not accept violent integration into any system, since nobody wants to replace something that is good and has quality with something that does not function,” Simic told TV Pink.

Kontakt plus radio: Serbs do not believe in a unification of Mitrovica North and South

Serbs in the north of Kosovo believe that the unification of Mitrovica will not take place and asses that such a thing could seriously jeopardize their survival, reports Mitrovica North based Kontakt plus radio.

Ruzica Simic from NGO Women's Right believe that the unification of Mitrovica will not happen.

Vucic: There is nothing of the unification of Mitrovica (Serbian media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told TV Pink in Davos, on the occasion of the request of Albanian councillors to unite the northern and southern parts of Mitrovica and the support given by Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, that this will not happen.

Vucic told Belgrade based TV Pink that he does not understand "neither what Thaci does, nor Ramush Haradinaj."

Now Albanian wants to become mayor of "united" Mitrovica (B92, KoSSev)

Following the resignation of North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakic, South Mitrovica Mayor Agim Bahtiri has sent a request to the Kosovo government. According to the northern-Kosovo based KoSSev website, Bahtiri is proposing that he should govern a "united (Kosovska Mitrovica)."

"I demand that the Kosovo government take all the necessary legal actions to immediately abolish the decision to divide Mitrovica into two municipalities, “ Bahtiri wrote on his Facebook profile.

Law on women’s property rights advanced, but not implemented (Kontakt plus radio)

Kosovo law on women’s property rights is very advanced, but its non-implementation in the practice is an issue, participants in a debate organized in EU Info Centre in Mitrovica North agreed, Kontakt plus radio reported.

Ruzica Simic, Director of NGO “Zensko parvo” said women in accordance with the law, have equal rights to property, however, traditional narratives represent a great obstacle in the implementation of the law.

AKR and Vetevendosje to announce coalition in Mitrovica today (Gazeta Metro)

Citing an unnamed source, the news website reports that the New Kosovo Alliance (AKR) and the Vetevendosje Movement (VV) will announce their coalition for the municipality of Mitrovica South, today at 11:00. Mitrovica South Mayor Agim Bahtiri earlier gave to Vetevendosje three municipal departments and the post of deputy mayor. The news website recalls that the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) left the ruling coalition, after Bahtiri dismissed the LDK-head of the municipal education department.

Serbs in Suvi Do/Suhodoll worried about the demarcation (KIM radio)

Demarcation between the northern and southern part of Mitrovica has not been precisely defined because of which worry 70 Serbian households in the village Suvi Do/Suhodoll.

Their houses, as they say, could belong to the cadastre of the municipality southern Mitrovica.

For the mayor of South Mitrovica Agim Bahtiri question of delimitation of Mitrovica is a "done deal" because, as he says, this was resolved by the Ahtisaari plan.