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Collaku: There cannot be immediate changes to stop illegal migration (Gazeta Express)

Minister of European Integration, Bekim Collaku said on Tuesday that the total number of asylum seekers from Kosovo to the European countries has increased in 2014 when compared to the previous year.  Collaku said that asylum is not justified for Kosovars anymore. "We need to clarify the negative consequences of this phenomenon," said Collaku.

Four candidates to run for mayor of Gracanica (Gazeta Express)

The Central Election Commission (CEC) has certified today the political parties and candidates who will participate in the extraordinary elections in Gracanica on 18 January.

The candidates certified by CEC are: Vladeta Kostic from Civic Initiative Srpska, Dragisa Miric from New Kosovo Party, Nenad Rasic from Progressive Democratic Party, and Shaip Berisha from Democratic League of Kosovo.

Trepca to be urgently removed from the KPA (Gazeta Express)

The general director of Trepca mining complex, Ahmet Tmava,  said for Klan Kosova that the revival of Trepca will occur only when the economic giant will be out from the Kosovo Privatization Agency (KPA) and enter into a project that offers development opportunities.  "Trepca is incorrectly placed under the KPA, and should be removed from there as soon as possible. We are against the privatization. For the units that we can prove that can be reactivated, the privatization process is out of question,” said Tmava.

The government of obligations (Gazeta Express)

Shkelzen Maliqi notes in his opinion piece for Gazeta Express that skepticism and critique play a positive role on the work of the new government, making it aware that they are under continuous observance of the opposition and public opinion. However he adds, they can also be counter-productive and blocking if initiated by nihilistic and revenging premises or from exaggerated expectations which cannot be performed within the limited governing mandate.

Elections in Gracanica on 18 January (Gazeta Express)

Gazeta Express writes that the President of Kosovo Atifete Jahjaga, after consultations with political parties, decided that elections for mayor in the municipality of Gracanica will be held on 18 January 2015.

These elections were announced after the former mayor of Gracanica, Branimir Stojanovic has resigned from his duties upon taking the post of Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo.

Valdete Daka: We are ready for elections in Gracanica (Gazeta Express)

The Municipality of Gracanica is expected to hold extraordinary elections within 45 days, being that Branimir Stojanovic, mayor of this municipality holds now the post of the Deputy Prime Minister.

Valdete Daka, head of the Central Election Commission (CEC,) said for Radio Dukagjini that CEC is ready for these elections. “These are extraordinary elections, and we are ready,” said Daka.

France does not automatically recognize the right of asylum (Gazeta Express)

The recent information, that France, allegedly, automatically recognizes the right of asylum for citizens of Kosovo is not correct, Gazeta Ekspress reports. Kosovo Minister of Internal Affairs, Bajram Rexhepi, met French Ambassador to Kosovo, Maryse Daviet to discuss illegal migration of Kosovo citizens to European countries.