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Minister Tahiri is visiting Brussels (Gazeta Express)

Upon the invitation of the European Union, Minister for Dialogue of the government of Kosovo, Edita Tahiri is staying in Brussels where yesterday she had meetings with representatives of the European Union engaged in dialogue in Brussels. The central topic of the discussions was the assessment of achievements to date and determining priorities for the progress of dialogue in Brussels in the following stage.

Official: Aleksander Lumezi, the only candidate for chief prosecutor (Gazeta Express)

The Prosecutorial Council of Kosovo has decided to continue with the process of the nomination of the chief prosecutor of Kosovo, with a single candidate, Aleksander Lumezi. The latter will be interviewed next week, and only if he passes the interview, his name will be sent to the President of Kosovo for nomination.

Krasniqi: Ahtisaari’s package is being reopened (Gazeta Express)

After the question of the leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, addressed to the Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hashim Thaci, on who gave them the mandate  to discuss Kosovo's justice system with Serbia, Chairman of the National Council of this party, Jakup Krasniqi, also wrote on his Facebook page that these discussions are reopening Ahtisaari’s Package.

Italian ambassador: irregular migration hinders visa liberalization (Gazeta Express)

The Italian Ambassador to Kosovo, Andreas Ferrarese, told RTK that Kosovo people that are fleeing the country are victims of criminal organizations that promise future in the European Union countries. Ferrerase said that irregular migration is not the solution to the economic situation that Kosovo is currently. According to him, Kosovo people “should stay in Kosovo and build their country.” Ferrerase added that irregular migration hinders the visa liberalization process for Kosovo.

Hyseni visits Kosovo migrants in Hungray (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo’s Minister of Internal Affairs Skender Hyseni, accompanied by a delegation of his ministry, made a one day visit to Hungary on Monday and met the Hungarian Interior Minister, Sandor Pinter.  Hyseni and Pinter discussed the issue of irregular migration, but also other issues of particular interest as global terrorism and violent extremism. The ministers agreed that the best long-term solution is visa liberalization. Hyseni also visited the open center in Bicske, where hundreds of irregular migrants from Kosovo are staying.

Arban Abrashi, Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, nominated for spokesperson of Kosovo government (Gazeta Express)

The Prime Minister of Kosovo, Isa Mustafa, informed his Cabinet on Wednesday, at ninth meeting of the Government,  about the decision on the appointment of the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Arban Abrashi, as spokesperson of the government of Kosovo.

“The government of the Republic of Kosovo remains committed to further strengthening the cooperation with the media and civil society, towards the transparency and right information to the citizens of Kosovo,” stresses a press release issued by the government of Kosovo.

NISMA to join protest on Saturday (Gazeta Express)

The Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), through a press release announced that supports the  Saturday's protests organized by the “Cries of Mothers” Association and the Vetevendosje Movement. In the press release it says that NISMA is following with concern the recent development in Kosovo.  "The citizens of Kosovo have started to organize protests throughout Kosovo, to express their concern about the recent developments in the country.

Thaci: Zero tolerance against religious extremism (Gazeta Express)

Kosovo’s Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci said Kosovo is a regional leader in fight against religious terrorism and extremism and vowed a zero-tolerance policy against terrorism. “There have been individuals who went to Syria and Iraq but we have taken measures against them”, said Thaci adding that Kosovo will very soon pass a law banning participation in foreign conflicts.