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Odalovic: Washington may bring Pristina to its senses (RTS, BETA, TV N1)

Secretary General in the Serbian Foreign Affairs Ministry, Veljko Odalovic said on Friday the US President Donald Trump’s letters to Pristina and Belgrade were a message with the best intention to help empower dialogue and the search for a compromise and sustainable solution, BETA news agency reports.

Odalovic added the European Union facilitated talks in Brussels entered a severe crisis due to “Pristina’s irresponsible behavior” and that it was crucial to use days ahead to improve the dialogue.

Ljajic on Pristina's tariffs, Trump's letter (FoNet, TV N1, RTS)

Serbian Trade and Telecommunications Minister Rasim Ljajic said on Thursday that following Pristina’s 100 percent customs duties on goods from Serbia introduced on November 21, Belgrade had lost 34.6 million Euros and that the move boosted smuggling, FoNet news agency reports.

Ljajic told public broadcaster RTS the figure showed only the direct damage to Serbia’s export, adding the measure had multiple effects indirectly. He said the goods that were going to Kosovo included re-exported products and foreign brands. Ljajic added that “the smuggling is also blooming".

Serbian PM and EU Trade Commissioner: Pristina's customs duties undermine stability (BETA, TV N1)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic and the European Union Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström agreed in Brussels on Wednesday that Kosovo import tariffs on goods from Serbia and Bosnia had undermined the regional stability, BETA news agency reported.

A statement from Brnabic's office said the country had lost an estimated 25.7 million Euros in export due to the 100 percent import tariffs introduced by Pristina early last month and that if the decision remained in place, Belgrade would suffer 65.5 million Euros loss at the end of the year.

EU "grateful to Serbia for no counter-measures against PR" (Serbian Government, B92)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic met on Wednesday in Brussels European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. Brnabic said after the meeting that she felt "support and gratitude to Serbia during her visit to Brussels for not imposing countermeasures against Pristina, which in particular contributed to regional stability."

Keefe: UK expects progression of dialogue (Danas, FoNet)

UK Ambassador in Belgrade Denis Keefe said late yesterday that the current situation between Belgrade and Pristina should be resolved in dialogue, and although it is facing difficulties now, the Ambassador expressed hope it will progress, Danas daily reports.

We are aware that dialogue at this moment is facing certain difficulties, but we do hope that leaders who were in New York and would meet in Brussels this week, can find a way towards the progress, Ambassador Cliff said, adding he does not wish to talk about the change of borders.

Djuric: Pristina closed door to dialogue (Radio KIM)

Establishment of Kosovo army is the most direct attack against regional peace and stability, as well as the most flagrant violation of the international law, Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said during the meeting with German Ambassador to Belgrade, Thomas Schieb, Radio KIM reports.

Djuric also voiced concern over the continuation of destabilization of the region, caused by Pristina’s unilateral and provocative acts.

Protest in Mitrovica North continues, hospital lacks medicaments (RTS)

Representatives of the Association for care and support to the children and adult persons with special needs “Podrzi me” held a protest on Sunday in Mitrovica North, RTS reports.

They warned that unreasonable Pristina’s measures impact the work of the association, but also position of persons with disabilities.

“No Albanian politician in Kosovo without war past” (Tanjug, B92)

“Among active Albanian politicians in Pristina, it is almost impossible to find any one, without a history of involvement in the KLA,” Deputy Chair of Srpska Lista, Igor Simic said, Tanjug news agency reported.

The silence of the international community and a gentle push it is giving to Pristina’s activities, such as forming of the so-called Kosovo army, has contributed that entire Pristina team that would go to Brussels negotiations have war past, Simic underlined.

Djuric, Vulin, Stefanovic reactions on new Pristina’s negotiation team, Limaj (RTS)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric said Pristina does not want any serious talks about the future and normalization of relations, but instead wishes to continue with provocation, RTS reports.

Djuric noted that Pristina’s decision to appoint one of the most notorious commander of terrorist KLA Fatmir Limaj as one of the heads of its negotiation team is ridiculing the very essence of a dialogue idea.

Meanwhile, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said that Limaj’s appointment is an insult to common sense.

Rakic: Pristina has showed it does not want peace (TV Most)

At the extraordinary press conference of the Crisis Committee of the four northern Kosovo municipalities, President of Serbian List Goran Rakic ​​said Pristina’s decision to form Kosovo army showed that it did not want peace.

Rakic ​​has called on Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija to remain peaceful, not to fall for provocations.

He stressed that by forming Kosovo army Pristina does not want peace and that KFOR is the only one with the mandate to carry weapons and ensure peace and security.