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"Serbia reliable, constructive in solving Kosovo problems (Serbian Government, B92)

First Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dacic said late on Thursday, Feb. 7 Central European Time, that an unreasonable measure of Pristina to introduce tariffs on Serbian products is aimed at complicating the position of the Serb community in Kosovo and Metohija.

Dacic on “good cop, bad cop” in Kosovo (Tanjug, B92)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said he respects the fact the US is exerting pressure on Pristina to revoke tariffs on the goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tanjug news agency reports.

However, he does not believe the US would succeed in making Pristina to do so.

Dacic told Voice of America that Ramush Haradinaj and Hashim Thaci play different roles in negotiations on Kosovo and it us unclear “who is whose cop”.

Dacic on Serbia's stance on Venezuela (BETA, B92, Sputnik)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic says Serbia favors resolving problems in Venezuela through dialogue. Dacic told Sputnik that Venezuela is a friendly country that has always supported Serbia, BETA news agency reported.

The leader of the Venezuelan opposition, Juan Guaido, has been recognized as the temporary leader of the state by the United States, Canada and a number of Latin American countries, and by some 15 members of the European Union. In the region this was done by Croatia, Albania, Macedonia, and Kosovo, the agency said.

"4 countries against Kosovo debate at UN Security Council" (Tanjug, B92)

It is still uncertain whether the United Nations Security Council session on February 7 will discuss Kosovo.

The US, the UK, Germany, and Poland, have been fiercely opposing the intention to put the regular quarterly report of the UN Secretary-General on Kosovo on the agenda of the session, Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said on Monday.

Dacic: Agreement with Pristina should be reached during Trump’s time (BETA)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said that a lasting solution in Belgrade-Pristina dialogue should be reached as soon as possible, since a change in the international relations might occur, BETA news agency reports.

“It is necessary to speed up the dialogue, reach a lasting solution, do not waste time, and for the Serbian interests it would be good to end this process as soon as possible, since international relations might change, Dacic said during the news conference with Dominican Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit.

Pacolli reportedly makes open death threat against Dacic (Tanjug, Kurir, B92)

Behgjet Pacolli reportedly has made an open death threat directed at Serbian First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic, Tanjug news agency reports citing a report in the Belgrade-based tabloid Kurir, which said the incident happened during an informal EU ministerial meeting in Bucharest, Romania, over the weekend.

According to this media report, Pacolli, who serves as Foreign Minister in the Pristina government, spoke "without restraint, and in Serbian," when he addressed Dacic to say: "If there should be an assassination, you should know it's us Albanians."

Dacic at meeting of EU foreign ministers in Bucharest (Serbian Government, B92)

First Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic will take part in an informal meeting of EU foreign ministers and candidate countries on Feb.1 in Bucharest. The meeting is organized by EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Federica Mogherini and the Romanian EU Presidency.

On the margins of the meeting, Dacic will also participate in an informal working lunch at the invitation of Mogherini and Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu.

Dacic: Haradinaj unaware of situation he is in (SRNA, Blic, Vecernje Novosti)

Commenting on a letter Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj sent to the world leaders saying “that Kosovo negotiates with Serbia as a sovereign state”, Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic said Haradinaj is unaware of the situation he is in, Blic daily reports.

“If it is so, why they do not become a UN member, join Interpol or UNESCO, why 13 countries have revoked recognitions of Kosovo, and why the USA and the EU accept to look for a compromise,” Dacic told Vecernje Novosti daily.

"Whoever deals with us, has their career destroyed" (Tanjug, B92)

Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said that the resignation of US Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Wess Mitchell was " bad news." As Dacic stated, Mitchell understood that the US should open a door to a compromise between Belgrade and Pristina.

"Clearly it's a curse posting. Whoever deals with us, has their political career ruined," Dacic told reporters in Belgrade. Dacic had also had a remark concerning the fate of the EU.