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“Haradinaj is not discussing numbers, but a broader governing base” (Lajmi)

“Coalition PAN and their nominee for Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, are in the phase of discussions with eventual partners, not because of the numbers but for creation of broader based political governance,” said the spokesperson of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Muharrem Nitaj.

Vetevendosje’s Haxhiu: PAN has not enough votes to form government (Klan Kosova)

Vetevendosje MP, Albulena Haxhiu, said the PAN coalition led by the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) and its candidate for prime minister Ramush Haradinaj do not have required numbers to form the new government of Kosovo and that this was the reason why an Assembly session is not being called. In a Facebook post, Haxhiu said President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci was serving the interests of PAN by not calling the constitutive session of the Assembly. “They don’t even have the numbers to elect Kadri Veseli Assembly Speaker”, Haxhiu wrote.

LDK rejects Haradinaj’s invitation to meeting (Kosovapress)

Leader of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Isa Mustafa, said he does not plan to attend a meeting with the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj. Mustafa said the LDK would not enter any type of coalition with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Instead, Mustafa said they will wait for PAN coalition and its candidate for prime minister Haradinaj to try to form the new government.

PAN and Vetevendosje: No need for all-inclusive government (Zeri)

Pal Lekaj, outgoing MP from the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), assessed that 11 June elections have shown who the winner and who the loser is.

“These elections have shown who the winner is and the winner, in consultation with all relevant factors, will create the government, which will give right solution to all the stagnated matters. We will be together, because united, never divided, we can do a lot for the country,” Lekaj said.