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Visa liberalization and the violation of democracy (KlanKosova)

The member of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ardian Gjini, writes in an opinion piece today that the offensive claims that the opposition is preventing the visa liberalization for Kosovo is nothing but laying ground for justification. “With this approach, the government is trying to do two things: ensure that the eventual success in this regard will be attributed to the government, and to blame the opposition in case of failure in this regard,” Gjini writes.

Elections or elections (Klan Kosova)

Ardian Gjini, member of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), considers that the created situation during this last month imposes finding of a new solution. However, he adds, prior to any possible solution, one should consider the damages caused to the political process in Kosovo, not only during the 17 recent months, but from December 2010. Gjini notes that the Constitution of Kosovo has been abused many times since then. He considers that economic, social and security crisis are not as terrible as the loss of faith of the people of Kosovo.

Kadaj-Bujupi: There will be resistance and protests (KlanKosova)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) parliamentary group chief, Donika Kadaj-Bujupi, said that the actions of the opposition parties yesterday were the only way to stop the degradation that is being done to Kosovo.  “It was the only way to interrupt the session which the ruling parties claimed it was a regular session.  Our goal was not to confront the MPs, but for the Assembly not to turn into an arena where deals against Kosovo are being made,” Kadaj-Bujupi said. “We will not step back.

Veseli: Kosovo has proved it is a country of peace (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, met today in Pristina with the Council of Europe’s Rapporteur for Kosovo, Agustin Conde. Veseli informed Conde about the developments in the Assembly and Kosovo’s commitment to strengthening the rule of law, transparency and parliamentarian democracy. “The Republic of Kosovo has proved it is a country of stability and peace, which respects the rights of communities and in this respect it is a model for countries of the region and beyond.

Mustafa requests recognition by five EU countries (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, wrote on his Facebook page that Kosovo should become member of the international organizations, and it should be recognized by the five European Union countries. He added that Kosovo people deserve freedom of movement, without limits of visa regime. “Support for many other recognitions is required. Faster economic development could be reached only through political and diplomatic cooperation with other countries,” wrote Mustafa.

Tahiri: It is EU’s turn to reward Kosovo (Klan Kosova)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, said that Kosovo has proved seriousness in the dialogue with Serbia and implementation of the agreements.

According to her, it is now the turn of the European Union  to reward Kosovo and to sign without delay the Stabilization Association Agreement and to make the decision on visa liberalization.

She made these comments during a meeting with the Swedish Ambassador for Kosovo, Albania and FYROM, Mats Staffansson.

 Opposition throws eggs at Isa Mustafa (Klan Kosova)

Some opposition MPs threw eggs at Prime Minister Isa Mustafa as he was reporting to the Kosovo Assembly on the signing of the latest agreements reached with Serbia in Brussels.

Assembly Speaker, Kadri Veseli, interrupted the session for a ten minute break. Prior to the incident, Mustafa was speaking about the signing procedures of the agreements reached in Brussels.

Selimi: Mustafa has two options (Klan Kosova)

Deputy from Vetevendosje movement, Rexhep Selimi, said for RTV Dukagjini, that Prime Minister Mustafa has only two options: resignation or withdrawal of the signature from the latest agreements reached in Brussels, including the one for the Association of the municipalities with Serb majority and demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

Selimi further added that it depends exclusively on the Prime Minister Mustafa if there are going to be protests or not.

Djuric is in northern part of Mitrovica (Klan Kosova)

Head of the Office for Kosovo at the Government of Serbia, has ignored Kosovo authorities, entering the territory of Kosovo, despite the rejection of the permission. Djuric is staying today in northern part of Mitrovica, and according to the sequences of the news agency Tanjug, he visited this morning the headquarter of the Citizens’ Initiative “Freedom, Democracy, Justice,” headed by Oliver Ivanovic.