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Open letter to the commission for verification of war veterans (Zeri)

A former KLA commander and now director of Anti-Corruption Agency Hasan Preteni writes an open letter to the Kosovo Government Commission for the Recognition and Verification of the Status of KLA Veterans and other categories saying that the entire process of examining lists of KLA members has been seriously flawed and should be annulled. As a former KLA commander, Preteni claims that the establishment of the Commission was not publicly discussed and did not reflect the real needs.


Gašić: Army will not be the topic of the dialogue (Danas)

Formation of Kosovo's army will not be the topic of this round of Brussels dialogue, said Bratislav Gašić, Defence minister of Serbia, commenting on the recent announcements of the Kosovo officials. He said that such statements are for internal political use and that Serbia is serious country, which abide to all signed agreements and obligations including the UNSC Resolution 1244, in which everything is clearly defined. 

Vetevendosje will vote against special court (Zeri)

The Vetevendosje Movement will vote against the formation of the special court that will address war crimes allegations in Kosovo. Rexhep Selimi, a Vetevendosje MP and one of the commanders of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), told Zeri about the reasons why 16 Vetevendosje MPs will vote against the court. “We are consistent in our position on this matter.

EU names new prosecutor in Kosovo organ trafficking probe (AFP)

BRUSSELS – The EU named a new prosecutor on Thursday to investigate possible crimes against humanity, including murder and organ trafficking, by several leaders of Kosovo’s 1990s guerrilla army, some of them now senior officials.

Lawyer David Schwendiman succeeds fellow U.S. national, Clint Williamson, a diplomat and prosecutor who headed the Special Investigative Task Force into events after Kosovo’s 1998-1999 war.


War veterans protest in front of Pristina University Rectorate (all media)

The war veterans of the former Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) have protested today in front of the Rectorate of the University of Pristina (UP) demanding the automatic admission of 1,000 students who are children of war veterans and martyrs. The war veterans are claiming that UP Rector Ramadan Zejnullahu failed to respect the memorandum that has been implemented for 10 years now. The war veterans also warned that Kosovo would not have peace or quiet until all students are admitted and they also called on Zejnullahu to resign.

Kosovo Guerrillas Accused of Beating Prisoner (Balkan Insight)

A witness told the trial of the Kosovo Liberation Army’s ‘Drenica Group’ cell, accused of assaulting prisoners during the 1998-99 war, that her husband was seriously beaten at a KLA jail. The protected prosecution witness, codenamed Witness K, told the court in Mitrovica on Monday that her husband suffered severe beatings at the KLA detention centre in Likovc/Likovac in 1998. She said her husband was taken away by two men in camouflage uniforms and when he returned the next month, he was badly injured with broken ribs, blood on his clothes, sore eyes and swelling all over his body.

Kosovo Ex-Guerrillas Promised Pensions in 2015 (Balkan Insight)

The authorities in Pristina said that ex-guerrillas verified as having fought for the Kosovo Liberation Army against Serbian forces will get veterans’ pensions from January. The government commission tasked with verifying who fought for the Kosovo Liberation Army during the 1998-99 conflict has announced that veterans will start to receive benefits from January 2015.

KLA associations announce protests (Kosova Sot)

Three Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) associations have announced that on Thursday they will protest in front of the University of Pristina, as they said, because the University of Pristina is disregarding the Memorandum of Understanding between these organizations and the University of Pristina, signed in 2009. Their request is to enroll in the University of Pristina the children of war veterans, whose number ranges up to one thousand. The current rector of the University of Pristina, Ramadan Zejnullahu, is against this agreement.