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Rakić ordered the suspension of works on and around the bridge in Mitrovica (KIM radio)

Mayor of North Mitrovica Goran Rakić ordered today the suspension of construction works on and around the bridge in this city, and asked the international and local security authorities to ensure the security of citizens.

Rakić said that the reason behind was a series of serious incidents in the city and that he asks the representatives of the EU to comply with the Brussels agreement and above all to ensure the safety to citizens.

A Serb seriously injured in North Mitrovica (Kontakt plus radio)

Kontakt Plus radio reports that in North Mitrovica last night seriously was injured a Serb (B.K.). He was attacked by two men with knives in his home.

Kontakt Plus radio reported this as the second incident that occurred in Mitrovica in last two days. Regional Head of Operations of the Kosovo Police Željko Bojić told the radio that two attackers entered the home of common-law spouses B. K. and B. G. and that they attacked with knives. On that occasion, the husband was injured in the left leg and the head.

One Serb injured in North Mitrovica (Kontakt plus radio)

A Serb was injured last night in the northern part of Mitrovica. He was attacked by five masked men in Bošnjačka mahala.

Regional Head of Operations of the Kosovo Police Željko Bojić says that the incident occurred around 23:20 and that Kosovo police was looking for an Albanian who was identified and suspected of the attack.

Greek defense minister visits Kosovo, no official meetings (Kontakt plus radio, RTS)

Greek Defense Minister Panos Kammenos visited Greek soldiers within KFOR in Kosovo, expressing praise for his country's role in preserving stability in the region.

Media in Pristina, however, point out that the Greek Minister during the visit did not meet with any official of the central institutions in Pristina, adding that Greece is one of the five EU countries that have not recognized Kosovo's independence.

Marić and Tanin: Preservation of stability and prevention of incidents (Kontakt plus radio)

Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Ljubomir Marić and Head of UNMIK Zahir Tanin agreed today that it was important to preserve peace at any price in Kosovo and to prevent any inter-ethnic incidents.

Marić and Tanin, met today at the Bureau of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija in North Mitrovica.

Ljubomir Marić with Zahir Tanin tomorrow (Kontakt plus radio, TV Most)

Assistant Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Ljubomir Marić will meet tomorrow the Head of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) Zahir Tanin.

The statement of the Office for KiM says that there will be a press release after the meeting.


Stojanović: Jablanović does not have the support of the Serbian List (Serbian media)

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo from the Serbian List Branimir Stojanović says that Aleksandar Jablanović does not present the unity of all the Serb representatives and that he does not have the support of the Serbian List.

Stojanović said this to Radio Television of Serbia (RTS), and added that nobody can be president of the Serbian List without the support of the Serbs, and announced an extraordinary meeting of the representatives of the list.


Serbian list: Jablanovic has no support; Jablanovic: I am the President (Kossev, BETA, Kontakt plus radio)

Serbian List states that Aleksandar Jablanović arbitrarily and without the support of Serbian MPs appointed himself as President of the Serbian list. He deceived and manipulated the Office for the registration of political parties - said the Serbian List.

The Central Election Commission will declare soon on everything. The CEC is considering the documentation that was received without a stamp by the Office for the registration of political parties, indicated the Serbian List.

Kosovo as a casual topic in the Serbian presidential elections (KIM radio, Kontakt plus radio)

During the election campaign Kosovo was not much of a topic for the presidential candidates in Serbia. Some have visited Kosovo but without much fanfare, and the winner although he announced his Leposavić's election rally, dropped out of the visit.

According to the head of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Đurić, Vučić has won the votes of 80 per cent of voters who on Sunday went to the polls.

Đurić: Roadblocks in Kosovo an attack on the freedom of movement of Serbs (Kontakt plus radio)

Vice President of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) and Director of the Office for KiM Marko Đurić says that the barricades, placed this morning throughout Kosovo, were synchronized and were an organized action, and in fact are an attack on Serbs in Kosovo, their freedom of movement, and their right to elect.