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Gecaj: The Government of Kosovo ready for drafting of the Statute of the ZSO, but after a full return of the Serb List (N1, Kossev)

Advisor to the Prime Minister of Kosovo Bajram Gecaj says that the Kosovo Government is ready to start with drafting the Statute of the Community/Association of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) as soon as the Serbian List "fully returns to the Kosovo institutions".

Meeting of border demarcation commission to take place next week (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Deputy Minister of Local Government and Administration, Bajram Gecaj, said that the agreement on border demarcation with Montenegro cannot be ratified without the votes from Serbian List MPs. “We also have some MPs from the ruling coalition that have opposed this agreement but the Government of Kosovo has initiated the setting up of a professional commission for resolving demarcation,” said Gecaj.

Gecaj: Mirjana Jevtić officially still the minister (RTK2)

Deputy Minister for Local Government Bajram Gecaj told RTK2 that Mirjana Jevtić continues to be the Head of the Ministry of Local Self-Government of Kosovo.

"There is a decision of the Prime Minister, Isa Mustafa, on the appointment of Minister Jevtić, but not the decision on dismissal," said the deputy minister.

He also says that as long as the boycott of Serb representatives lasts, the Community/Associations of Serb municipalities cannot be discussed.

Gecaj: Djuric is talking nonsense (Telegrafi)

Bajram Gecaj, Kosovo’s Deputy Minister for Local Government and advisor to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, reacted to a statement by Marko Djuric, head of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo, who said that the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities will be an integral part of Serbia. Gecaj wrote on his Facebook account today: “Djuric seems to be having major problems within their political structures. He is talking nonsense, as if he were in his youth when his state exerted violence and genocide against Kosovo Albanians.

Government announces new initiatives on demarcation (Indeksonline)

The news site reports that the government does not intend to give up on the issue of border demarcation with Montenegro. Kosovo government officials said if the recent proposal for measurement of the territory is not realized, there will be new initiatives to put an conclusion to this agreement. Kosovo’s Deputy Minister of Local Government Administration, Bajram Gecaj, told the news site the government will undertake new initiatives as it is vital for the citizens to resolve this issue. “We have taken this initiative, but we will see other options.

Government hopes on Serbian List and opposition votes to pass demarcation (Indeksonline)

The Kosovo government is relying on the votes of the Serbian List or one part of the opposition to ratify the draft law on the border demarcation with Montenegro. Bajram Gecaj, advisor to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, told the news website today that even if all MPs of the ruling coalition would vote in favor of demarcation, their votes would not suffice. “We currently don’t have enough votes to ratify demarcation. The votes of PDK and LDK MPs do not suffice to ratify the deal.

Gecaj: December is crucial for visa liberalisation (Telegrafi)

Kosovo’s Deputy Minister for Local Government, Bajram Gecaj, said in an interview for the news website that December is the final time for ratifying the border demarcation agreement between Kosovo and Montenegro. “In 2017, many EU member states will go to elections and the attention on Kosovo could be lost. This is why December is the final time when we can do something about this issue,” he said. Asked if the ruling coalition has secured the required number of votes in Parliament to ratify the border deal, Gecaj said, “we still don’t have 80 votes.