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Civic Initiative SDP: The encouraging messages of Patriarch Irinej (Kontakt plus radio)

The CI SDP says in a statement that the arrival of Serbian Patriarchs and Serbian Orthodox Church leaders to Kosovo is of great importance for further survival of Serbs in this region, however they point out that citizens have not been informed about the arrival.

SDP reminds that the Serbian people in the most difficult moments had the greatest trust in the Church.

Two Patriarchs in Kosovo (Kossev)

The Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church Irinej arrived in Kosovo this morning using the Jarinje crossing. He will be making a two-day visit to Kosovo.

The patriarch is accompanied by Patriarch of the Antioch, Jovan X, as well as members of the Synod of the Serbian Orthodox Church: Bishop of Backa Irinej Bulovic, Metropolitan Porphyrius, and Bishop Jovan of Sumadija.

Vucic: Patriarch’s words are nice, but binding too (Tanjug, B92)

President Aleksandar Vucic thanked Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej for his words that the president fights like a lion for Kosovo and Metohija, adding these words are nice, but also binding, Tanjug news agency reported.

“These are nice, but also very binding words, very important and I would fight for the interests of our people in Kosovo and Metohija wholeheartedly and with all the strength, as I fought until now,” Vucic told journalists in Belgrade.

Vucic: I respect SOC very much, I have trust in Irinej (BETA)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said he respects the Serbian Orthodox Church (SOC) and its representatives very much, BETA news agency reported.

He added he won’t be saying bad things about representatives of the SOC, who, as he said, “throw stones at him on a daily basis.”

“I have full trust in the Patriarch Irinej. I belong to the Serbian Orthodox Church and if you expect me to say something bad about it, I won’t do that, not even about those who are throwing stones at me on a daily basis. I do not want to enter that,” Vucic said to the journalists in Belgrade.

“Appalled by attacks against Father Sava, why Patriarch Irinej remains silent?” (BETA, B92, KoSSev)

Deputy Leader of Civic Initiative Freedom, Democracy, Justice (GI SDP), Ksenija Bozovic said that the division of Kosovo is unacceptable, Serbian media reported

“Division of Kosovo is not acceptable solution for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. This was the stance of our late leader Oliver Ivanovic, and GI SDP as a political option in Kosovo would not give up on following his idea,” Bozovic told weekly magazine NIN.

Vucic after meeting SOC Patriarch Irinej: Pogrom, Storm and Flash never again (KoSSev)

„I want Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija not only to have a nice weekend, but nice weeks and months ahead of us, and I want them to feel safe. I know how difficult it is for them, especially in Metohija, but also for Serbs everywhere,” Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said, following his meeting with Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch Irinej in Belgrade on Saturday.

Pope Francis should come to Serbia, Belgrade FM says (Politika, N1)

Only a day after the Serb Orthodox Church (SPC) Patriarch said it was still not time for the head of the Roman Catholic Church to visit Serbia, the country Foreign Minister said Pope Francis should come.

Ivica Dacic told the Belgrade daily Politika on Wednesday that there would be no better Pope for Serbia and that he believed that the current head of the Roman Catholic Church should visit the country.

Patriarch Irinej: Church stance on Kosovo and Metohija as clear as day, sunlight (Serbian media)

Stance of the Church on Kosovo and Metohija is clear, as clear as a day, as a sunlight, since the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) started its history there, where Pec Patriarchate used to be and remains the seat of the Serb Patriarchs and the Serbian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Irinej said, Serbian media reported.

In an Easter interview to TV Hram, Patriarch Irinej reminded that many churches were destroyed, many people expelled and many properties demolished.

Patriarch backs SPC name change - but won't move to Kosovo (Serbian media)

Patriarch Irinej says he supports the idea to add "Patriarchate of Pec" to the official name of the Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC).

However, he said he would not move to Kosovo, i.e., to the town of Pec.

The media reported at the beginning of the week that the Serbian Orthodox Church is preparing major changes in May to the way its leader is elected, and to its internal organization and name.