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All shops in northern Kosovo closed (RTS)

As a sign of protest against the trade blockade and 100 percent tariffs that Pristina imposed on goods from central Serbia all shops in the north of Kosovo and Metohija are closed, RTS reports today.

Bakeries, petrol stations, pharmacies, beauty salons, restaurants and coffee bars are closed as well. Citizens were making reserves over the last couple of days while Chairman of the Businessmen Association from northern Kosovo, Rados Petrovic said the measure would remain in force as long as Pristina does not lift the tariffs.

Odalovic: Serbs cannot be silent over the Pristina's deeds (RTS)

Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Veljko Odalovic, told RTS this morning that the closure of all shops in the north of Kosovo is a protest that should show the general public that the Serbs will not be silent.

"The Serbs have to raise their voices, they cannot be silence over Pristina’s deeds. Pristina provokes and blocks the topic of dialogue, in which, it is brought before the final act to fulfil its obligations, primarily to form the Community of Serb municipalities", notes Odalovic.

DSS: Pristina and irresponsible Serbian politics responsible for situation in northern Kosovo (Danas)

Opposition Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS) assessed yesterday that the current state of supply of the population and security in the north of Kosovo are the consequence of Serbian authorities’ politics since 2008 and arrogance of Pristina institutions, Danas daily reports.

DSS said Pristina has support by the US and the EU that in any way, including the violence and anti-civilization tariffs, use and misuse a wide spectrum of enforcing the statehood of self-declared Kosovo, opened by wrong Serbia’s politics over the last decade.

Detention of arrested persons in northern Kosovo extended (Radio KIM, Radio kontakt plus)

Detention of arrested persons in the northern Kosovo at the end of May was extended for two more months, lawyer Milos Delevic told Radio kontakt plus.

Kosovo special police units arrested 30 persons on 28 and 29 May, among them 19 members of the Kosovo police.

Delevic told Radio kontakt plus that Basic Court in Pristina extended detention of arrested persons for two more months, adding the defense lawyers are yet to receive decisions, after which they would file complaints.

NATO for portal KoSSev: ''All to demonstrate restraint in actions and statements; support for the dialogue''

''A shock message by the Alliance to the Serbs, NATO: Take the north of Kosovo, we will not interfere'' – Belgrade tabloids wrote early in the week, referring to the idea of the chair of the Center for Euro-Atlantic Studies, Jelena Milic, wrote Kosovo north portal KoSSev.

KoSSev added that Milic, for years, has openly advocated what was perceived in Serbia as a pro-NATO stance, while recently, since last year, she also represented the ideas interpreted as a proponent of the partition of Kosovo along ethnic lines.

Petkovic: Serbian people on verge of humanitarian disaster (RTS)

RTS reports this morning there are less and less basic commodities available in the shops in the north of Kosovo. Office for Kosovo and Metohija Deputy Director Petar Petkovic told RTS Serbia is doing its utmost to help its people, although Pristina tries to make the position of Serbia more difficult in any possible way.

RTS correspondent from Mitrovica North reported there was no delivery of goods from central Serbia dedicated for daily consumption in the north and other Serb-populated areas south of the Ibar River.

KFOR for Politika: We deploy troops as part of regular training; no indication of humanitarian crisis (Serbian media)

According to KFOR, there is no danger of a humanitarian crisis in northern Kosovo, and unfortunately such rhetoric does not help normalization of the people's lives, says KFOR spokesperson Vincenzo Grasso for today's edition of Belgrade based daily Politika.

On Tuesday evening, KFOR helicopters were flying over to Mitrovica, Zvecan and part of the Zubin Potok. People were afraid. Tell me, please, what was it about, and what was the reason for the flight?

Vucic on food supply in north, Haradinaj’s statement (Tanjug, B92)

The Serbian state would help Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and we expect nothing from the international community in regard to aggravated supply for our people in Kosovo, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said Tanjug news agency reports.

Vucic added Serbia must rely on itself and the state would see how it can help people in Kosovo under such difficult and complex situation. He pointed out that Pristina came up with a new excuse to justify its tariffs on goods from central Serbia and thus make supply for the Serbs in the north even more difficult.

Lazarevic: Shortage of goods in north, last reserves are being sold out (TV N1)

Mitrovica-based KoSSev portal editor Tatjana Lazarevic told TV N1 that the lack of goods from central Serbia in the north of Kosovo is noticeable.

“What is being sold now, for the last ten days, comes from reserves. This was confirmed to us by small shop owners but also by the Association of Businessmen. They told us the last reserves are being sold out, and some shops appear to be better supplied because they have larger reserves,” Lazarevic said.

She also noted the situation appear to be normal at first glance, but “certain level of panic” is also noticeable.

Humanitarian crisis, entrepreneurs’ memo, solidarity of traders, propaganda, silence…? (KoSSev)

Serbian officials and entrepreneurs have been warning that the north of Kosovo is a step away from “a new humanitarian catastrophe“, KoSSev portal reports today.

Meanwhile Kosovo officials and Pristina-based media claim it is an attempt to stage a humanitarian catastrophe.

Both official sides agree on one thing – “We will not allow it.“ But what do those who buy or sell products every day have to say?