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Kurti requests from EULEX to give an account for one and a half billion euros (KosovaPress)

Albin Kurti, the outgoing leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, met today at the  Vetevendoje headquarters the Ambassador of Finland in Kosovo, Anne Meskanen. During this meeting Kurti requested clarification for EULEX’s one and a half billion euros spent in Kosovo.

Kurti stressed that instead of adding the special court to Kosovo, EULEX should give account to the European tax-payers for the one and a half billion Euros spent in Kosovo.

Kosovo government approves four-year programme (Kosovapress)

Government of Kosovo in today’s meeting approved the four-year programme. Prime Minister Isa Mustafa said on the occasion that the programme will offer hope for all the people of Kosovo. Mustafa also announced that the upcoming joint meeting of Kosovo and Albania governments will take place on 23 March and that before this time, Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati will visit Pristina.

SEECP ministers to adopt resolution against terrorism (Kosovapress, Telegrafi)

Foreign ministers of thirteen countries of south east Europe are taking part in the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) conference in Tirana, along with European Union representatives. Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama addressed the participants saying countries in the region should speak with one voice in the EU and that the EU would be more fragile without the inclusion of the region. Rama also said that a joint resolution against terrorism is expected to be adopted at the end of the two-day meeting.

Thaci travels to Albania to attend SEECP conference (Kosovapress)

A two-day ministerial meeting of the South East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) is taking place in Tirana. Kosovo is being represented by Foreign Minister Hashim Thaci and other ministers of the region have also confirmed their participation. The conference is being hosted by Albanian Foreign Minister Ditmir Bushati. Officials in the conference will discuss strengthening of regional cooperation and EU officials from the Latvia’s EU presidency and the Regional Cooperation Council will also be in attendance.

Former MUP members to block police station and EULEX in the north (KosovaPress)

Former Serb members of Serbia’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, (MUP,) in North Mitrovica, who stopped working after the Brussels agreement for police, have announced for today a protest. They plan to block Kosovo Police station and EULEX building in this part of the city.

Their request is integration in Kosovo Police, and for those who do not fulfill the required conditions, to continue to work for the Serbian MUP.

Women lack decision-making posts (Kosova Press)

The Agency for Gender Equality in Pristina launched a report on Wednesday entitled "Participation, the role and position of women in central and local institutions and political parties in Kosovo",  which derived from the Action Plan for the implementation of Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace and Security".  Ardiana Gashi who presented the report, said that compared to previous year, there has been a regress to include women in decision-making positions.

Austrian Interior Minister Mikl-Leitner visits Kosovo (Kosovapress)

Austrian Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner said after a meeting with Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa in Pristina that Austria will not be granting asylum to the people migrating from Kosovo.  She said that the recent wave of migration is affecting economic processes both in Kosovo and Austria which has so far received 30,000 requests for asylum. Mikl-Leitner is also set to meet President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga.

No permanent residence in Germany through illegal channels (Kosova Press)

The President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, met on Thursday with the Special Envoy for Western Balkans at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Ernst Reichel. Jahjaga and Reichel visited Mitrovica where they discussed with the people on the issue of irregular migration. Jahjaga called on Kosovo people to stop the migration because fleeing is not the solution for economic problems. She said that all asylum applications will be rejected and everyone will be returned to Kosovo.

Thaci: Turkey is an important partner of Kosovo (Kosova Press)

Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo and Foreign Minister, Hashim Thaci, on Thursday started his official meetings in the Republic of Turkey. Thaci in a meeting with Turkey's Foreign Minister, Mevlyt Çavuşoğlu expressed his gratitude for the great help that Turkey has given to Kosovo. "Turkey for us is one of the main economic partners and we will make efforts to increase trade exchanges and to increase investors in Kosovo," said Thaci. Thaci and Çavuşoğlu also discussed cooperation in the field of rule of law.

EU commissioner: Pristina – Belgrade dialogue vital for Kosovo’s future (all media)

The European Union Commissioner for Neighborhood and Enlargement, Johannes Hahn, during his visit to Pristina on Wednesday had separate meetings with Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa and Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli. In a joint press conference with PM Mustafa, Hahn said that the Pristina – Belgrade dialogue is vital for Kosovo’s European future, and that there is still work to be done in regards to visa liberalization.