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The Serbian Orthodox Church in Pristina might be demolished (KosovaPress)

The Serbian Orthodox Church "Sveti Nikola", which is built inside the courtyard of the University of Pristina, might be demolished, reports KosovaPress.  The church has been a topic of discussion many times, and often it was said that it should be demolished because the facility was not built legally [with a permission by the Municipality of Pristina]. Fitore Pacolli, Pristina Mayor’s Chief of Staff said: "This facility will be treated in the same way as every other facility, based on the Law for Legalization.

Vetevendosje to sue the Kosovo Police (KosovaPress)

The Vetevendosje Movement on Tuesday filed criminal charges against the Kosovo Police commanders, for allegedly ordering police officers to exercise violence against protesters on 27 January. Albulena Haxhiu, member of the Vetevendosje Movement, said that on these criminal charges are included cases of violence exerted by Kosovo police, and that these are charges for misuse of official position, threatening lives and torture.

Police wants to meet Vetevendosje representatives (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Police general director Shpend Maxhuni said they are trying to set up a meeting with leaders of Vetevendosje and agree on modalities regarding the Wednesday protest. Maxhuni made the comments during his reporting before the parliamentary committee on internal affairs, security and supervision of the Kosovo Security Force. He said the Kosovo Police would like to learn from Vetevendosje actions they plan to undertake during the protest.

Kosovo women call on Mustafa to dismiss Jablanovic (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Women’s Network (KWN) in an open letter to Prime Minister Isa Mustafa stated the KWN members participated in the recent protests calling for dismissal of Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic and the transformation of Trepca into a public enterprise. “KWN continues to support the citizens of Kosovo who are using their rights, guaranteed by law, to express their dissatisfaction through peaceful protest.

Mustafa and Gentilini discuss Brussels dialogue (Kosovapress)

Kosovo Prime Minister Isa Mustafa met yesterday in Pristina the Director for Western Europe, Western Balkans and Turkey in the European External Action Service (EEAS), Fernando Gentilini. The two officials discussed preparations for the meetings between Kosovo and Serbia representatives that will be held in Brussels in early February.

Veseli: There will be no riots (KosovaPress)

Kosovo Assembly Speaker Kadri Veseli on Wednesday visited the injured people from Tuesday’s protest. Veseli said that he is happy that no one was seriously injured, while ensured everyone that the Parliament would never make decisions against the will of the Kosovo people. According to him, the debate on Trepca and other issues should return to Parliament and there will be no riots, as certain people who don't want the best for Kosovo, would like.

Police trying to disperse protesters with teargas and water cannons (news websites)

Today’s protest called by Vetevendosje and supported by other opposition parties has turned violent after the police tried to disperse protesters with teargas to prevent the crowds from approaching the government building. At present, Kosovapress reports that the protest has worsened, with a major clash occurring between the police and protesters in front of the Ministry of Culture building at Mother Theresa Square.

NATO Secretary General visits Kosovo (KosovaPress)

The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Jens Stoltenberg, today visited KFOR Headquarters in Pristina. Stoltenberg thanked NATO troops who worked hard to ensure stability and safety in Kosovo.  Asked about the future of the Kosovo Security Force (KSF), Stoltenberg said that KFOR will assist in the development of the KSF, and this is an internal issue of Kosovo.  In regards to terrorism, Stoltenberg said that this is a general issue and that they are committed to fighting this phenomenon.

Kurti and Kumnova call for popular protest against Jablanovic (Kosovapress)

Albin Kurti, the leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, and Nusrete Kumnova, the head of the “Cries of Mothers” missing persons association, told a press conference today in Pristina that a popular protest will be organized on Saturday against Communities and Returns Minister Aleksandar Jablanovic. Kurti and Kumnova called on all political parties and civil society to join the protest. Protesters will call on Prime Minister Isa Mustafa to dismiss Jablanovic for his insults against the mothers of missing persons in Gjakova.

President traveling to Vatican (Kosovapress)

The President of Kosovo, Atifete Jahjaga, traveled today to the Holy See of Vatican, to meet Pope Francis, at a private audience.

She wrote on her Facebook profile that she will share with Pope Francis the stories for the rich tradition of Kosovo and its population, the way towards freedom, sacrifice for founding the state and harmony among religions.

“I am honored for the reception, the first by a Kosovo leader, since the independence,” she wrote.