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 The chief managed to collect votes, special court at the Assembly next week (KosovaPress)

A KosovaPress source within the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), said that the leader of this party, Hashim Thaci, during today’s meeting with his parliamentary group, managed to collect signatures that prove that they will vote the special court at the Assembly. According to the same source, the issue of the special court will be proceeded to the Assembly of Kosovo next week.

Clashes within PDK over special court vote! (Gazeta Blic)

According to the news site, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) has problems securing the necessary votes for the special court and this is reportedly the reason why the session of the Kosovo Assembly, scheduled for 10:00, has not started yet. A source within the PDK told the news site that there were clashes at the meeting of the party’s parliamentary group today. “Some MPs are still rejecting a vote in favor of the special court. The situation is tense.

Grabovci on special court: Let’s get the draft law first, then we’ll see (Telegrafi)

The head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group, Adem Grabovci, told the news site today that, as far as the special court is concerned, PDK MPs will vote in accordance with Kosovo’s national interests. Grabovci did not want to say if the PDK has enough votes to pass the constitutional amendments that enable the establishment of the special court. “We want to have a fair process and as soon as we get the draft law we will discuss it with fellow MPs. I am confident that MPs will vote in line with our country’s interests.

Special court must be established (Zeri)

Xhavit Haliti, the Deputy President of the Kosovo Assembly and senior member of the ruling Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), argues in an opinion piece that the special court, which will address war crimes allegedly committed by former members of the Kosovo Liberation Army, “will put an end to the fabrications and doubts, it will free many people from anxiety and I hope it will confirm the truth on the matter”. Haliti further notes that he understands the motivation behind those who reject the establishment of the special court. “The sensitivities are present and legitimate.

Whom did I kill? (Koha/Epoka)

The Mayor of Skenderaj and former commander of the Kosovo Liberation Army, Sami Lushtaku, sent an open letter on Thursday to all those working in the judiciary, after he was found guilty for war crimes last week.  In his letter, Lushtaku writes that it was not easy to argue that they he didn’t kill a civilian. “When one does not know his family, and who he is, this means that he doesn’t exist,” Lushtaku writes.  “Therefore, as foreseen by the law, together with my lawyer we will file a complaint.

Will Kosovo Assembly vote on special court next week? (RTK)

Adem Grabovci, the leader of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group, told RTK that the members of the Kosovo Assembly have yet to see to final version of the draft law on the special court. Grabovci said MPs could vote next week on the constitutional amendments and the legal package for the establishment of the special court. “The PDK has no dilemma whether or not to vote in favour of the court. We are waiting for the final changes to the draft law so that we can proceed with the voting without wasting any more time,” Grabovci said.

Without profiling of political parties, democracy in Kosovo will not function (Koha Ditore)

Brussels-based correspondent Augustin Palokaj argues in his opinion piece that “the elections in the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK) proved that there is not that much pluralism in this party as initially thought and that ‘delegates’ vote according to their own personal interests. There is room for ‘new faces’ only if they don’t have any ideas and if they support the dominating group. The LDK, by helping the PDK [Democratic Party of Kosovo] to become a member of the European People’s Party, is heading toward creating a mega party with the PDK.

Kosovo Assembly session postponed (all media)

Gazeta Express reported that 11 MPs from the Democratic Party of Kosovo refused to vote today in favour of the establishment of the special court. This has led to postponement of the session for an indefinite period. Sources within the PDK parliamentary group said that the decision to postpone the session came after the 11 MPs announced they would vote against the special court’s establishment. The news site has published the names of the 11 MPs.

AAK regrets involvement of its officials in Kumanovo conflict (Koha)

Heads of parliamentary groups condemned today recent events in Kumanovo, FYROM. Head of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group,  Adem Grabovci, said a massacre was carried out in Kumanovo stressing that developments there cannot be tied to the establishment of the special court. He said FYROM authorities will have to give explanations about the “massacre they committed against innocent civilians.”


Increased international pressure on PDK over special court! (Gazeta Blic)

Citing international sources, the news site reports that the Kosovo Assembly will hold a plenary session on May 20 and vote on the establishment of the special court that is expected to address war crimes allegations. “There is increased pressure on the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK). Representatives of the opposition said they would vote against the court. So now all the pressure is now on the PDK, led by Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veseli, especially after even some PDK MPs said they would vote against the court,” the source said.