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Molliqaj: Protest will escalate only if provoked by police (Indeksonline)

Vetevendosje’s organizational secretary, Dardan Molliqaj, said today he was confident that the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro will not be ratified by the Kosovo Assembly. “Peaceful protests will convince many members of parliament not to vote in favor of the demarcation. The protest will escalate only if there is provocation by the police,” Molliqaj said.

Vetevendosje: Weapons seized not related to recent explosions (media)

Vetevendosje leader, Visar Ymeri, told a press conference in Pristina today that the Vetevendosje activists, who were arrested by police today over their alleged participation in a bomb attack on the Kosovo Assembly on August 4, are innocent and that the weapons seized during the raids today have nothing to do with the bomb attack. Telegrafi quotes Ymeri as saying, “the Kosovo Police is continuing to frame cases against Vetevendosje activists with the same methods previously used by the Serbian State Security Service”.

AAK: We expect further details from the police regarding the arrests of Vetëvendosje activists (

Kosovo Police arrested today six Vetëvendosje activists for possessing arms in their houses. The Spokesperson of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK,) Muharrem Nitaj said that they do not possess information on what happened and added that it is very difficult for them to make an assessment regarding the arrests.

Prosecution confirms police raids and arrests over bomb attack on Assembly (media)

Pristina-based news website Lajmi reports that six activists of the Vetevendosje Movement, have been arrested today over recent violent acts, such as the throwing bombs at the Kosovo Assembly and the Radio Television of Kosovo. Vetevendosje spokesman Frasher Krasniqi is also believed to be among those arrested. According to the news website, relatives of Vetevendosje leader Visar Ymeri are also among those arrested. They were reportedly found with arms and ammunition.

Officials of the Socialist Party and those of Vetevendosje to protest today in front of the Kosovo Embassy in Tirana (Indeksonline)

Supporters and members of the Vetëvendosje movement together with officials of the Socialist Party in Albania, announced for today at 12:00 hours a protest against demarcation of the border between Kosovo and Montenegro, in front of the Embassy of Kosovo in Tirana. The participants will be addressed by a delegation from Peja with representatives from Rugova villages at the border with Montenegro.

Vetëvendosje: RTK, classic government propaganda (media)

The Vetëvendosje Movement through a press release commented on the attack on the premises of the public broadcaster RTK on Monday night. “With the attempt to connect Vetëvendosje with last night’s attack on RTK, the management of this medium only confirmed that the RTK has become classic government propaganda. Last night's attack against RTK cannot be justified in any way, not because the RTK symbolize free speech, but because we do not think that such bomb attacks help any cause in Kosovo.

Ymeri: All human and logistical capacity aimed at preventing demarcation (Klan Kosova/Shekulli)

In an interview for Tirana-based Shekulli newspaper, Vetëvendosje leader Visar Ymeri said the opposition and his party are determined to reject the border-demarcation deal with Montenegro, “because Kosovo will lose over 8,200 hectares”. Ymeri said the Vetëvendosje Movement would use all its human and logistical capacity to prevent the current version of the border deal. “The government decided to send the draft law to the Assembly regardless of a recent open debate that showed that the agreement is unfair.