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Ymeri: We will not leave a stone unturned to bring justice for Astrit in place (Gazeta Express)

The leader of the Vetëvendosje movement, Visar Ymeri, spoke today at the commemoration ceremony held for the Vetëvendosje activist, Astrit Dehari. He said that Denhari was arrested  during a terrorizing action, without any evidence or fact. “The police and the prosecution deceived and lied everyone,” said Ymeri and pledged to bring justice in place and enlighten the circumstances of Dehari’s death. “We will not leave a stone unturned to bring justice in place for Astrit, and everyone in this country,” Ymeri said.

EULEX experts to take part in Dehari’s autopsy (Telegrafi)

The autopsy of the Vetevendosje activist, Astrit Dehari, who died on Saturday whilst in the Prizren detention centre, will be carried out today and EULEX experts as well as those appointed by the deceased’s family will take part. Justice Minister, Dhurata Hoxha, said the process will be transparent and that the Inspectorate of the Kosovo’s Correctional Service is also engaged in looking into circumstances of Dehari’s death. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa expressed his condolences on the death of Vetevendosje activist calling for independent investigations.

 MPs endorse draft-resolution for KLA (Kosovapress)

The draft-resolution prepared by heads of the parliamentary groups of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), has passed by 61 votes for with none against and 11 abstentions.

The resolution says that the Assembly of Kosovo pledges to endorse the Law on protection of the values of the Kosovo Liberation Army and its liberating war, within six months.

Opposition against “Unity Team” for talks with Serbia (Lajmi)

The opposition parties in Kosovo, the Vetevendosje Movement, the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) have not welcomed a proposal by Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue, Edita Tahiri, to have a “Unity Team” for the third round of talks with Belgrade. Vetevendosje and NISMA officials are claiming that Tahiri’s proposal implies new concessions vis-à-vis Serbia, while the AAK believes that the format of talks is more important than the representation.

Ymeri requests from Rama not to go to Begrade (media)

The leader of the Vetëvendosje movement, Visar Ymeri, has requested through a status on his Facebook profile from the Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, not to go to Belgrade where the future of the Albanian-Serbian relations will be discussed.

“The PM of Albania, Edi Rama, is expected to participate tomorrow at a panel with the Prime Minister of Serbia, Vučić, to discuss on “The future of Serb-Albanian relations as well as stability in Southeastern Europe.

“Serbs were invited in all meetings on Trepca, but they didn’t attend” (Kosovapress)

The Kosovo Assembly’s Committee for Economic Development adopted today in the first reading the draft law on the Trepca mining complex, which will be discussed at the plenary assembly session on Friday. Serbian List representative, Sasa Milosavljevic, said Serb MPs would not vote in favour of the draft law in its current content. He also criticised the government for not inviting Serb representatives to attend discussions on the draft law.

Haliti: If demarcation is not passed this year, liberalization of visas will be postponed (RTK)

Kosovo Assembly MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) said that Kosovo is not experiencing its best days when liberalization of visas is concerned. Haliti made these comments during the meeting of the parliamentary committee for Stabilization Association where they spoke about the liberalization of visas and preparations for the second Kosovo-EU meeting which will be held on 23 and 24 November in Brussels.

Ymeri requests Albania's prefix for Kosovo (Koha)

The leader of the Vetëvendosje movement, Visar Ymeri, requested at today’s session of the Kosovo Assembly voting of a resolution, through which Kosovo could apply for “355” telephone prefix. Ymeri called on the MPs to vote the proposed resolution, being that, according to him, this would help development of the telecommunication trade and approximation with Albania.

Police raid Vetevendosje organizational secretary’s house (media)

Most media report that Kosovo Police raided today the house of Vetevendosje organizational secretary, Dardan Molliqaj, after the latter recently told a press conference in Pristina that “arms can be found in my house”. “There are over 300,000 illegal arms in Kosovo. There can be arms even in my house in Beleg, because my relatives were involved in the war, these are arms that they never surrendered.

Prosecutor requests return of Vetevendosje activists in jail (GazetaExpress)

The prosecution appealed against the decision of the Basic Court in Pristina, which left three from the six arrested Vetvendosje activists suspected for the attack on the Kosovo Assembly building using explosive device, in house arrest.

The Special Prosecutor, Abdurrahim Islami, who submitted the appeal at the Court of Appeals, said that the suspects acted as a group and each of them plaid their role. “Some worked on planning and organizing, some on ensuring means, but they all acted as a group,” Islami said.