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Kosovo prefix +383 launched today, Hahn welcomes the news (

The prefix of Kosovo +383 can be used from today, and it will save millions to Kosovo and Vala operator. “The today’s day is only the beginning of the implementation of the new prefix, while we can tell you that by the end of the year, the +381 prefix for Kosovo telecom will not exist. With the new prefix, all illegal operators will vanish,” said the director of Kosovo Telecom, Agron Mustafa. “We have decided today to launch the state prefix which will be used for landline and mobile services. From today, we have the possibility to replace it step by step.

Austrian FM Kurz: Dialing prefix for Kosovo, historic (RTK)

Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz hailed the decision of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to grant Kosovo a dialing prefix as historic, the Austrian news agency APA reported. Kurz recalled that Austria applied on behalf of Kosovo on 1 January 2016 and that the ITU decision will enable cheaper and simpler telephone calls. Furthermore, he said the agreement reached between Kosovo and Serbia under the EU facilitation stipulates the establishment of a new telephone operator, part of the Serbian Telecom, which will be licensed by the Kosovo Regulatory Authority.

Tahiri: Kosovo to get dialing prefix on 15 December (RTK)

Kosovo’s Minister for Dialogue and chief negotiator, Edita Tahiri, said at the government’s meeting today that the recent telecommunication agreement reached in Brussels with Serbia ends the activity of illegal telephony operators in Kosovo. Tahiri said Austria has already applied on Kosovo’s behalf to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and that the dialing prefix of +383 will be granted to Kosovo on 15 December.

Kosovo seeks new int’l precedent with dial code demand (InSerbia)

BELGRADE – As Belgrade and Pristina resume talks to normalize their relations, the latter’s request for its own telephone code present a problematic precedent for China and other countries across the world, Dusan Prorokovic, former state secretary in Serbia’s Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija, told Sputnik Serbia on Tuesday.

Ymeri requests Albania's prefix for Kosovo (Koha)

The leader of the Vetëvendosje movement, Visar Ymeri, requested at today’s session of the Kosovo Assembly voting of a resolution, through which Kosovo could apply for “355” telephone prefix. Ymeri called on the MPs to vote the proposed resolution, being that, according to him, this would help development of the telecommunication trade and approximation with Albania.