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Kosovo: In progress the selection of judges and auxiliary staff (RTS)

In less than a month in the north of Kosovo, the court and the prosecutor's office should start working; it was agreed in Brussels at the last meeting of Serbian and Kosovo Presidents, Aleksandar Vučić with Hashim Thaçi. The Kosovo Judicial Council undertook all technical actions, candidate admission is done, and now in progress are works for the arrangement of the court building in the northern part of Mitrovica.

Uncertain implementation of the Agreement on the integration of judiciary (Kontakt plus radio)

Judge of the Basic Court in North Mitrovica Jelena Krivokapić participated in a conference that is part of the project “Consequences of postponing the integration of the judiciary - the situation and perspectives” that was held in the Civic Energy Centre in North Mitrovica on Tuesday.

Non implementation of the Brussels agreement on the judiciary (Kontakt plus radio)

Non implementation of the Brussels agreement on the judiciary is a major problem for the Serb community in Kosovo. This was said during a public discussion organized by the Advocacy Center for Democratic Culture (ACDC) in North Mitrovica.

Judge Jelena Krivokapić said that she and her colleagues do not have any information about the date of the beginning of functioning of an integrated justice. She also said that nobody tells them anything, that they do not know the reasons for it and that they work with reduced capacity.

A young man stabbed in North Mitrovica (KoSSev)

KoSSev reports that a young man from the village Koretište was stabbed in Northern Mitrovica, during the rally of the Serbian List in the main square.

While insisting on anonymity, several participants of the rally testify to KoSSev that the young man was stabbed in the crowd.

The Kosovo Police confirmed the incident to KoSSev but they stress that at this point they can not confirm whether the incident occurred in the crowd gathered and whether there is any connection with the rally.

Mitrovica North: A young man beaten in the Bosniac mahala (Kontakt plus radio)

Regional Head of Operations of the Kosovo police Željko Bojić told Kontakt plus radio that the police station in Mitrovica last night at 01:50 was informed that a person with face injuries sustained in the fight was admitted at the Clinical - Hospital Center in Mitrovica North.

"It is N. R. (1997) Serbian nationality, and the father of the victim told the police that the boy was attacked in the Luja Braja Street by three persons with masks on their heads and that they spoke Albanian," said Bojić to the radio.

Rakic: International community to react to Haradinaj's threats (KiM radio)

North Mitrovica Mayor Goran Rakić says on the occasion of the latest threats of Ramush Haradinaj that it is not in the interest of the Albanian people also to be represented by those who advocate hatred and violence and called on the international community to respond to threats of Albanian leaders, which do not contribute to the stability of Kosovo.

North Mitrovica: Serbs protested over Haradinaj acquittal (KIM radio)

KiM radio reports that the citizens of North Mitrovica held protest last night, expressing disatisfaction over the decision of the French court to acquit former KLA leader Ramush Haradinaj.

Gathering of citizens began about 19 hours in the city center.

The crowd carried Serbian flags and placards reading "Haradinaj criminal", "Serbia Russia", "KLA terrorists" and the like, reported KiM radio.

Three cars burned in North Mitrovica (KoSSev)

Three cars have burned early this morning in northern Mitrovica in the vicinity of the student dormitory, reported KoSSev.

Head of Operations of the Kosovo Police for the North Željko Bojić confirmed that North police station received a report on the fire this morning, and that preliminary findings, according to the investigation, show that it was the case of arson.

Rakić ordered the suspension of works on and around the bridge in Mitrovica (KIM radio)

Mayor of North Mitrovica Goran Rakić ordered today the suspension of construction works on and around the bridge in this city, and asked the international and local security authorities to ensure the security of citizens.

Rakić said that the reason behind was a series of serious incidents in the city and that he asks the representatives of the EU to comply with the Brussels agreement and above all to ensure the safety to citizens.

A Serb seriously injured in North Mitrovica (Kontakt plus radio)

Kontakt Plus radio reports that in North Mitrovica last night seriously was injured a Serb (B.K.). He was attacked by two men with knives in his home.

Kontakt Plus radio reported this as the second incident that occurred in Mitrovica in last two days. Regional Head of Operations of the Kosovo Police Željko Bojić told the radio that two attackers entered the home of common-law spouses B. K. and B. G. and that they attacked with knives. On that occasion, the husband was injured in the left leg and the head.