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The battle for Suvi Do (Vesti)

The agreement in Brussels envisage for the northern and southern Mitrovica to solve all their problems until 10 October, and most of them are in multi-ethnic villages of Suvi Do and Brđani, where it is difficult to draw the municipal boundary. As far as for Brdjani settlement, there should not be a problem, because it is clear to everyone that this settlement is in the municipalities of northern Mitrovica and Zvecan/Zveqan.

Shots fired at news website offices in the north (Kosovapress)

Unidentified persons have fired shots at the offices of the Kossev news website in the northern part of Mitrovica but no one was injured in the attack, sources said for Kosovapress. The attack is reported to have happened early this morning and was confirmed by Kosovo Police deputy director for the north, Besim Hoti. Hoti said the staff noticed the bullet holes in the windows of the offices when they showed up for work today. Editor of the news website, Tatjana Lazarevic, said they did not receive any threats and that she believed they enjoy the trust and respect of the local residents.

Pantic: Incidents could lead to unforeseeable consequences (Tanjug)

The frequent recent incidents in northern Mitrovica could escalate into serious conflicts with unforeseeable consequences for the entire Serb population in Kosovo, Krstimir Pantic, Serbian parliament MP from Kosovo, warned Tuesday.

The former president of the majority-Serb municipality of Mitrovica and former deputy director of the Serbian government’s office for KiM, believes that the responsibility for the incidents should be borne by all – Belgrade and Pristina, and Brussels, and the Kosovo police.

Djuric: A crime that disturbs and discourages (KIM radio)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Djuric strongly condemned the attack on the young men in North Mitrovica.

Djuric said that the crime, that was carried out on a national basis, in a place that should be a symbol of peace and friendship, that should be "literally a bridge of reconciliation and unity, is disturbing and completely discourages."

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric has invited representatives of the competent authorities and the international community to urgently find and punish the perpetrators of the attack.

Student Parliament: The University in North Mitrovica will not integrate into Kosovo’s system (Kossev)

Parliament of the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Pristina, temporarily seated in North Mitrovica denies that this University will integrate into the Kosovo education system. This was announced today by the Student Parliament of the Faculty of Philosophy.

EULEX to perform exhumation on the Muslim cemetery in Mitrovica (KoSSev)

EULEX units soon will start exhumation in the Muslim cemetery in Raska Potok, in northern Mitrovica, confirmed to KoSSev head of the regional operations of the Kosovo Police for the North, Zeljko Bojic. It is suspected that in the part of the location of this cemetery is buried a human body, the alleged victim of the war in Kosovo in 1999.

Ristic is suspected of a total of 15 offenses (KoSSev)

Slavisa Ristic, former Mayor of Zubin Potok, after five hours of questioning in the building of the Municipal Court in North Mitrovica, is in his house, where he will remain, confirmed to KoSSev, Ristic’s lawyer Ljubomir Pantovic. Ristic is suspected of a total of 15 offenses - mostly from 2011, which are grouped in two court cases, which is why today's hearing attended two judges.

Students from the north, interested to work in Kosovo courts (KosovaPress)

KosovaPress writes that a group of Serbian students from the Law Faculty in north Mitrovica visited the Basic Court in Mitrovica, and among other things, they expressed their interest for recruitment in Kosovo courts. They were interested to know whether they have the right to apply for a job in Kosovo courts, having university degrees in north Mitrovica. The president of the Mitrovica Basic Court, Kada Bunjaku, told them that the central Kosovo institutions are competent for the verification of diplomas.