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Topalli admits to throwing teargas in the Assembly hall (

Vetevendosje Movement MP Faton Topalli admitted today that it was his duty today to throw the teargas in the Assembly. “I threw two cans with teargas and if this situation continues, there might be more,” Topalli said, adding that he is not afraid to face the prosecution on this matter. “The betrayal of the country is the most serious criminal offense. We said that we will not allow this way of governance. It is specified in the Constitution that international agreements must be ratified in the Assembly,” Topalli said.

Limaj: Calling the session was a provocation (Indeksonline)

The leader of the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA), Fatmir Limaj, said today that calling the session by the Assembly Presidency was creating a provocative situation. "There are no normal conditions for the smooth running of the Assembly’s work. Instead, the ruling coalition should take this issue seriously. There will be no normality. There cannot be Assmebly sessions without opposition. The agreement’s will not pass,” Limaj said.

AAK: Insisting to continue with the plenary session, nonsense (RTKLive)

The Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) through a press release today noted that it is nonsense to insist to hold the Assembly session by all means. The AAK stresses that this insistence itself is a challenge, political immaturity and lack of national leadership.  "Kosovo’s leadership cannot behave as if everything is normal.  The current situation requires reflection and political responsibility,” reads the press release.

Assembly chairmanship gathers to decide on Thursday’s session (media)

The Assembly chairmanship gathered today to discuss the modalities of the Thursday’s session. The meeting was held without the presence of the heads of the parliamentary groups of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Vetevendosje movement and Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA).

Detailed control for persons entering Assembly building on Thursday (Koha)

The Kosovo Assembly Presidency decided today to introduce a more detailed control for persons that will enter the Assembly building on Thursday. Assembly President Kadri Veseli and his staff, the heads of parliamentary groups, MPs, government ministers, staff and reporters will all be subject to the control. The detailed control is part of security measures to prevent any dangerous objects from entering the assembly premises.

Kurti: Mustafa and Thaci have sold out to Serbia (Koha/News24)

Vetevendosje MP Albin Kurti said in an interview for News24 on Tuesday that he will not stop until “the agreement on the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities and the border demarcation agreement with Montenegro are annulled”. Kurti explained how he was detained by police and said that he was later released only due to protests by Vetevendosje supporters. “I was returning from Skopje to Pristina, and in the outskirts of the city a Kosovo Police task force with 15 officers stopped us and asked me to step out of the car.

Selimi: We will not stop until the Association is stopped (Telegrafi/TV Dukagjini)

Vetevendosje MP Rexhep Selimi said in an interview with TV Dukagjini today that, at the Kosovo Assembly session on Thursday, the opposition will continue its protest against the formation of the Association/Community of Serb-majority municipalities. “Even in earlier sessions [of the Assembly] it was decided to continue with the sessions, but we were adamant to prevent this until the signatures on the Association are withdrawn. We are determined to continue our protests until the Association is stopped,” he said.

State prosecution: Kurti was arrested for causing general danger (Gazeta Express)

The Office of the State Prosecutor of Kosovo issued a press release today saying that it has initiated investigations against certain members of the Kosovo Assembly suspected of having committed criminal offences: “causing general danger” (Article 365 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo), and “use of weapon” (Article 375 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kosovo).