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AAK speaks about blocking Assembly Commissions, NISMA about boycott (Gazeta Express)

Except for blocking of the work of the Assembly of Kosovo, opposition parties claim that they will also obstruct work of the Parliamentary Commissions.  The five Assembly Commissions planned to adjourn today at 10:00 hours to endorse the draft laws proposed by the government, will be boycotted by the three position parties, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje Movement.

PDK: Opposition violence has only political intentions (Kosvapress)

The leadership of the Democratic Party of Kosovo, has issued today a press release regarding the latest objections of the opposition towards the establishment of the Association/Community of Serb majority municipalities and demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

PDK leadership expresses concern regarding the events such as that of last night’s protest, considering them not democratic and very violent, which are according to this party done only for political purposes.

Visa liberalization and the violation of democracy (KlanKosova)

The member of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ardian Gjini, writes in an opinion piece today that the offensive claims that the opposition is preventing the visa liberalization for Kosovo is nothing but laying ground for justification. “With this approach, the government is trying to do two things: ensure that the eventual success in this regard will be attributed to the government, and to blame the opposition in case of failure in this regard,” Gjini writes.

The dangerous negligence (Koha Ditore)

The paper’s publisher Flaka Surroi writes today that the blockade of the Assembly that is going on for several weeks now, has come to the point of absurdity for which the people of Kosovo will pay the price. “The scenes of throwing eggs and teargas became international news. The escalation of the situation to throwing teargas in the Assembly is sinking us in a very deep crisis,” Surroi writes.

Ambassador Reichell: Minority cannot violently impose will to majority (

The German Special Envoy for Western Balkans, Ambassador Ernst Reichell, stated that opposition is to be blamed for the created situation at the Assembly of Kosovo.

Ambassador Reichell was hosted today by the Assembly President, Kadri Veseli, to discuss the current situation at Kosovo Assembly.

The teargas! (Zeri)

The former leader of the Vetevendosje Movement, Albin Kurti, writes in an opinion piece today that the teargas that he threw at the Assembly of Kosovo last week was of small quantity and it was no mass attack, arguing that lots of cans with teargas were thrown in the past towards Vetevendosje activists and dissatisfied protesters.  “Moreover, we did not use rubber bullets on Thursday. What is this hysteria and this panic?”

Quint ambassadors: Opposition’s actions are unacceptable (Koha)

President of the Assembly of Kosovo, Kadri Veseli, met today with the Quint countries' ambassadors to discuss the recent events in the Assembly. The ambassadors expressed their concern over the situation created in the Assembly and the actions of the opposition parties, stressing that the acts that violate the principles and values ​​of democracy are unacceptable. According to them, such actions threaten to undermine Kosovo’s democratic efforts to move more quickly on its European path.

Kadri Veseli’s secret mission (Zeri)

The paper’s editor Lavdim Hamidi, writes in an opinion piece today that the President of the Assembly, Kadri Veseli, should be held accountable for the latest developments in the Assembly. According to the author, Veseli should not call a session without creating workable conditions for it. "Even with unreasonable actions of the opposition trying to prevent the session, the ruling parties had the tendency to adopt laws in such conditions. This way of adopting laws will not contribute at all in unblocking the work of the Assembly.