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The new government? (KiM radio)

Coalition bloc of Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) held a meeting with the Self-Determination Movement and discussed the constitutive session of Parliament, reported Pristina media. Candidate for Kosovo PM in front of this block, Ramush Haradinaj, said he had not yet met with representatives of the Serbian list, in order to explain them the agreement and the role of Self-Determination in the coalition.

Headquarters in action (Zeri)

The paper's editor-in-chief Arbana Xharra observes that the increase of tensions between the two political groupings in Kosovo has activated the "special war" with the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) on one hand having the right to nominate a candidate for Assembly speaker and on the other, the parties making the majority in the Assembly - Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), Alliance for Future of Kosovo (AAK), Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) and Vetevendosje - whose right to nominate a candidate was not recognised by the Constitutional Court.

PM with Vucic, Kurti with Djuric (Blic)

Kosovo political analyst, Fatmir Sheholi, believes that representative of the Government of Kosovo will lead the political dialogue, and representative of the Self-determination will be at the forefront of technical dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which will be soon continued. He rejected the ambiguity, caused by the attitude of Self-determination, that Belgrade should not participate in the dialogue, but only representatives of Kosovo Serbs, the EU and European Commission.

Coalition bloc calls postponement of assembly session unacceptable (Koha)

The meeting of the post-coalition bloc representatives called after the decision to postpone Kosovo Assembly constitutive session has ended.

The bloc’s candidate for prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj, said the postponement of Assembly’s session is unacceptable and that the decision of the chair, Flora Brovina, only served the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK).

Haradinaj said it is only the PDK that is blocking establishment of new institutions. He said there is no need for new elections as the solution to the crisis is already inside the Assembly.

Vetevendosje: PDK and Belgrade intentionally delaying forming of institutions (Koha)

In a statement to the media, Vetevendosje stressed that in an effort to create parallel institutional mechanisms, the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) undertook its recent step in preventing creation of new institutions. “Along with the Serb List it postponed for a week the constitutive session of the Republic of Kosovo Assembly”.

Serb List asks for postponement of tomorrow’s Assembly session (Telegrafi)

Leader of Democratic Kosovo Turk Party (KDTP), Mahir Jagcilar, said the 6+ parliamentary groups will vote tomorrow for the candidate of the Kosovo Democratic Party (PDK), Arsim Bajrami.

“We will support PDK’s candidate for Assembly Speaker. Afterwards, we will see how things develop”, said Jagcilar.

Jagcilar also said that the Serb List has requested postponement of tomorrow’s session. “They are expected to make a written request. It will then be decided whether their justification is reasonable”, he added.

Brovina asks for an urgent meeting with representatives of political parties (Gazeta Blic)

The chair of tomorrow’s constitutive session of the Kosovo Assembly, Flora Brovina, has called for a meeting with representatives of political parties today at 15.30. Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) officials said there is still no decision on the possible postponement of the constitutive session.

At the same time, it is reported that PDK has begun to talk about postponing tomorrow’s session under the justification that this was requested by minority communities’ representatives who are not informed as to what will happen in the session.

PDK meets non-Serb communities (Kosovapress)

Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) parliamentary group is holding a meeting with non-Serb communities represented in the Kosovo Assembly. PDK leader Hashim Thaci did not make any statements after the meeting but the 6+ parliamentary group confirmed that it will support the PDK candidate for Assembly speaker during tomorrow’s session. The announcement was made by the head of the group, Mahir Jagcilar.

Flora Brovina as PDK’s “Casus belli” (Koha Ditore)

Publicist Halil Matoshi remarks in his column for the paper that the chair of the Kosovo Assembly’s constitutive session, Flora Brovina from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), has two options in front of her. Brovina can choose to refuse to chair the session because the PDK that has become a minority in the Assembly is violating the principle of democratic majority and this would enable the opposition bloc to appoint another chairperson to unblock creation of institutions.