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Brovina: No session without consultation (kohaonline)

After the negative response of the representatives of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), and Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), who stated that they would not attend the meeting scheduled by Flora Brovina, the later stated that if the parties of the opposition coalition do not attend the meeting, she will not call the Assembly session.

Brovina: Preparations for assembly session will be finalized next week (RTV21)

Flora Brovina, MP from the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), who chaired the constitutive session of the Kosovo Assembly, told RTV21 that the session would not resume this week as preparations will be finalized next week. Brovina also suggested that the opposition bloc consisting of the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) and the Initiative for Kosovo (NISMA) should not become nervous.

The Serbian list always support majority (Vesti online)

Interview: Slobodan Petrovic, President of Independent Lyberal Party (SLS) 

What, for the Serbian List, means the decision of the Constitutional Court?

Even before the decision, all parties in Kosovo have declared that they will respect it. We strive to be part of the solution, and not a problem.

When do you expect the next session of parliament and how will you vote? 

Constitutional Court announces full decision on 17 July assembly session (RTK)

The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo today announced its full decision on the constitutive session of the Kosovo Assembly on 17 July, saying that the session was not completed and that the election of the Assembly President and the deputy presidents was non-constitutional.

Below is the link of the full decision:

Milosavljevic: The Constitutional Court will give guidance (KiM Radio)

If it turns out that Isa Mustafa was not legally elected president of the parliament, the Constitutional Court will provide further guidance, says MP Sasa Milosavljevic. "It is important that the Assembly was constituted and that the mandates are verified. The court could only decide whether the President of the Assembly was elected according to the Constitution, or not. If a decision is made that the President is not elected according to the Constitution, then they will give the exact procedure according to which MPs should be guided, "said Milosavljevic.

Vetevendosje should not pull out of the agreement (Bota Sot)

In an editorial, the paper says that not a lot of political activity is expected until the Constitutional Court delivers its ruling on the legality of Kosovo Assembly Speaker’s election and this time will be mainly focused on ongoing debates, one of which concerns the possibility of Vetevendosje joining the post-election coalition in efforts to form a new Government of Kosovo.

Kosovo is trembling from the Williamson’s report (Politika)

The statement of EULEX Chief Investigator, Clint Williamson, that he possess the indisputable evidence to press charges against several former senior KLA officials for war crimes - has caused a hush in the Kosovo Albanian public.

Excluding public statement that the report "will end doubts about unproved accusations," in Pristina press are prevailing restrained, but worried reactions of political parties, and only some local political analysts have the courage to say that the report is a heavy burden for Kosovo.